Thursday 22 October 2015

We Are The Problem, Not The Solution

We Are The Night session 3...

The guy selling discard AB blood was curious why Laura was buying. "You haven't found religion, have you?" She paid extra for him not to be.

Michael headed to Mary's university campus to check for other vampires. A few. "There are always some. Kids away from home for the first time, access to drink and drugs. Almost too easy."

One of the ringleaders approached to a polite distance, asked what he was doing there.

"Making sure it's safe for this girl."
"Simon's? Sure, we can keep on steering clear." She smiled like this was an act of great generosity.

Mary discreetly tested whether vampires show up in mirrors, and on camera.

"We know we're being reflected like you know when you're being watched." Laura pointedly fixed her lipstick in the mirror once she figured out what she was doing.

On his way back, another vampire approached Michael, at a closer than polite distance.

"You are looking into the death of Simon Lucas. Might I ask why?"
"Of course. It's a family matter."
"Not looking to take over his holdings?"
"There will be a meeting to discuss the matter at the Plaza tomorrow evening. Bring the girl."

Michael nodded low, and the Prince walked away.

(Yes, the Prince is pretty. This is deliberate.)

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