Wednesday 14 October 2015

We Are The Nightmare

We Are The Night session 2...

The three broke into Simon's haven. Michael went first, eyes narrowed and teeth bared. Laura looked through Simon's collection of antiques and books, concluding that he must have had more storage space elsewhere. Mary found faded photos of her parents and grandmother, pictures of herself as a child... and more recently, taken on the street without her knowledge.

"These were taken during the day..." Laura pointed out.
"He couldn't have taken them. So who did?"

Simon had no ghouls, as far as they knew. Not that they knew him that well.

Laura heard a noise outside, Michael ran off to look. Another vampire, a thin face and a cold smile. He stared the intruder down, baring his teeth when she noticed the scent of a mortal inside.

Having a mortal in the group really changes the feel of even a small possible combat.

She withdrew. They'd know her if they saw her again.

Michael decided it would be a good idea to be at full blood just in case. Having a mortal around affects that too, as he somewhat awkwardly went looking for rats. Laura made some calls about accessing past-its-sell-by-date blood at a hospital.

Are they both trying to look good in her eyes...?

Yes, things are already getting awkward...

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