Wednesday 25 November 2015

We Are The Not Sure About This

We Are The Night session 8...

Laura shadowed the stalker, who proved to be a human. She suspected, not unreasonably, that he was working for a vampire, so got that bit closer to listen in as he made a call.

Mary hit a couple bars with Jo and Steve, having roughly zero much fun due to her grandfather dying and the whole issue with vampires.

Michael followed Mary, staying out of sight. He spotted the man tailing her, and Laura as well. I'm sure this won't be awkward.

The stalker's conversation was vague in a sinister way. "She's in sight, out with friends... no, nothing like that..." He headed off.

Some guys hit on Mary and Jo. Steve got defensive, telling them Mary wasn't interested. Not really his call to make even though she wasn't, as Jo pointed out. One of the guys looked like he was considering a swing at Steve. Laura intervened, far enough away that Mary didn't see, and one look in her eye made him back right down.

Steve walked Mary and Jo home, with Michael shadowing at a distance. When they got there, they found it had been ransacked...

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