Thursday 5 November 2015

We Are What We Are

We Are The Night session 5...

The Blue Eyed Woman was another vampire, a Daeva, older than Simon. There to see the Prince about Simon's hunting ground.

"So why tell us?" Michael asked.
"She is my enemy..." the man said, and stepped away.

"Are you all like this?" Mary asked, not unreasonably.

Next day she returned to class, reasonably confident that she was safe while the sun was out. She headed to the library, looking up local history... and unsolved murders.

Her studies were interrupted by friends, Steve and Jo. Hanging out reminded her how strange Laura and Michael were... while also reminding her of them in another way, as Steve would have liked to be more than a friend, but...

Another night, and Laura was waiting outside her dorm. "You should be safe enough on campus, and with friends..." She pointedly glanced to a dark side path. Then she stood up, approached... paused and looked over as Michael stepped out of a shadow nearby.

(There was also research, but we're here for the awkward...)

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