Thursday 7 June 2018

World Of Darkness Challenge 2018

From the Facebooks and Twitters:

1: How Did You Get Started?
The pre-release brochure for Vampire: The Masquerade first edition (the one that listed The Giovanni Chronicles 1 as part of the initial release schedule)

2: Favorite game line.
Vampire (both of them)

3: Favorite Clan/Tribe/Etc.
I started with Brujah. They still feel like home.

4: Favorite Setting Book
Chicago By Night set so much up.

5: Best roll
Self-Control not to punch someone clear across Elysium.

6: Favorite Canon Character
Lodin. If you're going to be a smug git Prince, do it properly.

7: Favorite Edition
Vampire: The Masquerade second, for basically being first with binding that worked.

8: Favorite Character You've Played
Yeah, that's my Twitter handle. Or one of them anyway. Gothy Brujah art history student, who at one point became human for a day and spent the rest of the chronicle in a hopeless search for a cure.

9: Favorite Character Someone Else Played
Claudia Welles, super-Gothy singer, Toreador burnout, best friend.

10: Strangest Grouping Of Characters
Most evenings in New Bremen. ;)

11: Favorite Game You've Run
Probably the currently stalled-out Vampire: The Requiem game about a human girl and vampire boy trying not to fall in love.

12: Favorite Discipline/Gift/etc.
Time magic. Who wouldn't like that some days?

13: Least Liked Power
Rage extra actions in Werewolf: The Apocalypse. Especially when I'm waiting for my turn in a fight.

14: Favorite Non-Canon NPC
Garland, Nosferatu Prince of New Bremen, who was so stealthy I never actually met him. Or did I?

15: Favorite Antagonist
The Camarilla. The Prince, the Sheriff, the elders, the system.

16: Clan/Tribe/(etc.) That You Will Never Play
I haven't played WtA in seventeen years, and that wasn't for very long.

17: Clan/Guild/Tradition/(etc.) That You Love When Others Play
Nosferatu. Though in my experience they're rarely played (more often in Requiem than Masquerade, because their drawback isn't nearly as severe) when they are they tend to be fun.

18: Favorite Splat You've Read But Never Played
I've run but never played Vampire: The Requiem second edition. And I've only had a chance to play one first edition character, for that matter.

19: Games You Have Played
World Of Darkness: Vampire, Werewolf (in New Bremen) Mage, Wraith, Demon (also in NB), mortals, and Dark Ages. And Minds Eye Theatre.
Chronicles Of Darkness: Vampire, Mage, Promethean, Demon, mortals.

20: LARP Or Not?
I'll play a LARP where the sense of theatre is a big part, not tabletop with nametags.

21: Favorite Character Death
It's really someone being written out by abandoning the city rather than a death. They had the option to return, but never did.

22: One Moment Of Horror You Always Remember
Good example: The spell to be temporarily human wearing off and the sensation of the Embrace all over again.
Bad example: Mokole Godzilla.

Both memorable, for different reasons.

23: Best Storyteller
Props to Conrad for building New Bremen.

24: Best Fellow Player
Made my cry. In a chat game. More than once.

25: Game You Miss The Most
New Bremen. I made a lot of friends there at a time I needed them, and have some memories I cherish of the games and the playing.

26: Craziest Botch Result
I still feel bad for the werewolf who tried to stop "Little" Tony Giovanni cutting down a tree for Christmas and dodged right onto his chainsaw. But Tony did get me a nice fur wrap as a gift...

27: Most Dice Rolled
11 or 12 for a Mage: The Ascension ritual. (It ain't nothing compared to Shadowrun.)

28: Most Intense RP Session
Tanith becoming human for a day. She was never the same again.

29: Favorite Artefact/Fetish/Item
In-character books.

30: What Game Do You Want To Run Now?
I'd like to actually finish my current Vampire: The Requiem game first. :D

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