Sunday 17 June 2018

You're The Only Thing Worth Dying For: Ten

Vampire: The Requiem
You're The Only Thing Worth Dying For

Ten: You're the only thing worth dying for



Sarah found Daniel's sire at the cafe.

"Did you know I was looking for you?"

"I thought you might be."
"Where is he?"
"Looking for Matthew. Trying to keep you safe."
"Then why aren't you helping him?"
"I am. You're safe here with me."
"But Matthew could - "
"Yes, he could."
"So, what. he's gonna go and die for some macho bullshit?"

The older woman - how much older? - studied her for a moment, a brightness in her eyes.

"You'll find Matthew at the old medical school. You best hurry."


The medical school had been used for storage since they built its replacement in the 1940s. As Sarah approached, she reflected that it would be the perfect place for something like Matthew to hide out near campus.

Daniel sat watching from the rooftop of the old quad tower, across the way. He stood up as she pulled her car to a stop, and clambered down the fire escape one floor at a time. 

"He's inside. You should go."

"I'm not leaving you."

He paused, looking into her eyes, and then nodded.

"Do you have the spray? Keep it ready."

"Actually, I have an idea about that. He really doesn't understand the modern world very well, does he?"


Daniel pulled open a goods door at the side of the building, one he knew Matthew used, and walked into the dark halls.

"So now you think you can challenge me on my own domain." 

Matthew dropped from the ceiling behind him. He spun around, bringing up the spray and blasting it into Matthew's eyes. 

Nearly blinded, he ran after Daniel - and was just starting to turn as he heard the engine as Sarah slammed her car into him, pinning him against the wall.

Her airbag went off, hitting her in the face.

Matthew clawed at the hood of the car as she ground the gears up. Something more cracked, his legs gave way and he slumped over, skin peeling and cracking, collapsing to bone and dust before her eyes.

Sarah went to open the driver's door, found it was wedged. Daniel came over and tore it open, helping her out.

He saw her bleeding nose and cut lip... shivered for a second... and gave her a handkerchief.

She saw that hesitation, and then smiled as she took it.

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