Thursday 28 November 2019

Wednesday 27 November 2019

Red Sands: Ten

Vampire: The Masquerade fifth edition
Red Sands
Session Ten

Simon watches the ghost to see what he might do... not that he has any real way of stopping whatever that choice might be.

"So, come to steal blood from people who need it? Makes you feel less guilty than taking it from people directly?"

The lights flicker as the ghost moves closer. Simon backs up, towards a more populated ward, hoping ghosts have to hide what they do as well. The figure doesn't seem to follow, but he keeps a look out as he heads for the exit.


Returning empty-handed, he finds Jamie doing Louise's hair.

"So I guess we're going to this thing, huh?"

He foregoes a tie.

"So can I not wear high heels?" Louise asks Jamie as she wriggles in a little black dress.
"No," Jamie says as she adjusts her long silver satin.

Jacob does wear a tie.


The private gallery in Gaslamp is full of people acting like they admire the art. The three vampires can tell they're not alone, although there are still two or three people alive for every one dead.

Baptiste greets them, and brings them to an imperious-looking woman in white.

"My friends - " He ignores Louise's look as he calls them that " - may I present Elizabeth."

The vampire lady smiles not-remotely-warmly.

Tuesday 26 November 2019

Monday 25 November 2019

Seattle By Night

From Jason Carl and Penny Arcade, Seattle By Night, a V5 game where the Toreador is by far the least stylish.

Wednesday 20 November 2019

Red Sands: Nine

Vampire: The Masquerade fifth edition
Red Sands
Session Nine

Louise joins Simon and Jamie, with Jacob hanging back.

The vampire in the nice suit smiles graciously. "My name is Baptiste. I represent the Prince of the domain. Now, I understand that you have your grievances with Camarilla representatives in the cities you left."
"No shit," Louise says flatly.
"Quite. However, we are not our elders, and you have demonstrated your willingness to make a new start and your determination to succeed. We value such qualities, and we hope that you may be willing to hear the Prince's offer of an accord."

He leaves four invitations to an exhibition opening at the weekend.

Louise goes and picks one up. "Well gee, I don't have a thing to wear."

Jamie smirks.

Louise looks at her suspiciously, and goes to tell Simon about the clinic.

"Sounds workable in the short term, but we can probably find somewhere... friendlier."

Jamie rolls her eyes, making sure they see it.


During the day, Jacob scouts out the art gallery, looking over its security, ways in and out, and the exhibition site.


"Okay, why are we going to this Camarilla show? I mean, you're the one who ran out on the Camarilla, not just ran away from it." Louise grimaces at the boutique window.
"We want them to think we're open to the possibility." Jamie smiles winningly, and holds something black and shiny up to Louise. "Hmm. Maybe. Besides... you get to see Simon in a suit."

Louise glares at her, then takes the dress into the changing room.


Simon uses his knowledge of hospital procedure to scout around and look for cracks in security that haven't already been exploited by vampires looking for easy blood.

And finds himself being watched by a ghost.

Saturday 16 November 2019

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines is 15

Happy Bloodlines Night!

"You don't recognize me from the pictures? Gorgeous Gary Golden? Surely you didn't Pirate Town or Tap Hotel - "
"I love Pirate Town!"
"Oh, uh - "
"Can I get your autograph?"

Wednesday 13 November 2019

Red Sands: Eight

Vampire: The Masquerade fifth edition
Red Sands
Session Eight

The nomads prowling the beach come and go with the seasons, but this year they're clashing with a local gang... maybe boosted by the Camarilla. Simon suggests a way to get them to back off without violence. Some of the nomads seem keen, others disappointed.

Jamie does the scaring off.

This is enough to get the new coterie access to the nomads' routes in and out of the city.

Louise asks their leader, Kiersey, about other smuggling issues. Specifically, who's in charge of the supply of waste bagged blood.

"That's the kind of thing the Tower locks down quickly. Though there are some clinics you could try."

She heads to one... and finds another vampire observing it.

She approaches him cautiously, hands where he can see them. He looks like he might run. She bites down on the temptation to charge and see what he does.

"If there's someone I can buy from, I'm happy to do that."
"Who sent you?"
"I don't know no Kiersey."
"Miguel sent me to him."
"Ah, uh, okay. Just... don't make any mess. Some of us gotta be here weekly."

She makes a note of this... maybe this isn't a good place to rely on.

But the orderly takes her money and lets her pick from bags past their use date.

She drives back to the Starlight, using a roundabout route.

When she arrives, there's another vampire waiting. This one seems a lot more confident...

Monday 11 November 2019

Interview With The Vampire

Tonight in 1994, Interview With The Vampire came to US cinemas.

Can you tell me how to get..

Fifty years of Sesame Street! Fifty! Ah-ah-ah!

(While the Count may be a pun, vampires with counting compulsions appear in some myths.)

Saturday 9 November 2019

Friday 8 November 2019

Disney+ starts here in... March.

Well, my chances of not getting spoilers for The Mandalorian aren't very good, are they?

Heck, I don't even like my chances of not getting spoilers for The World According To Jeff Goldblum.

Wednesday 6 November 2019

Red Sands: Seven

Vampire: The Masquerade fifth edition
Red Sands
Session Seven

Miguel offers information and aid, in return for information and other kinds of barter. "And I'll warn you about the Tower for free." He lays out who the threats are, like The Woman Who Would Be Prince.

"You'll be able to meet them at this thing in one of the nice old galleries. They like to act open and approachable. As long as you don't look out of place."

The gang head back to the Starlight, hoping for a quiet day. A motel with basically every other room vacant and an easily bribed manager will do that.

Louise considers making a move on Simon, now they're settled and have beds and things like that.

Come the evening, they see about meeting up with Shae to see if they can make some more contacts. This involves going to the beach. "Nomads..."

Sunday 3 November 2019

Sunday night

Sunday night, time to finish the leftover candy. :/

And watch a horror movie I have left over too! :)

(The Final Girls - it's pretty fun!)

Saturday 2 November 2019