Wednesday 20 November 2019

Red Sands: Nine

Vampire: The Masquerade fifth edition
Red Sands
Session Nine

Louise joins Simon and Jamie, with Jacob hanging back.

The vampire in the nice suit smiles graciously. "My name is Baptiste. I represent the Prince of the domain. Now, I understand that you have your grievances with Camarilla representatives in the cities you left."
"No shit," Louise says flatly.
"Quite. However, we are not our elders, and you have demonstrated your willingness to make a new start and your determination to succeed. We value such qualities, and we hope that you may be willing to hear the Prince's offer of an accord."

He leaves four invitations to an exhibition opening at the weekend.

Louise goes and picks one up. "Well gee, I don't have a thing to wear."

Jamie smirks.

Louise looks at her suspiciously, and goes to tell Simon about the clinic.

"Sounds workable in the short term, but we can probably find somewhere... friendlier."

Jamie rolls her eyes, making sure they see it.


During the day, Jacob scouts out the art gallery, looking over its security, ways in and out, and the exhibition site.


"Okay, why are we going to this Camarilla show? I mean, you're the one who ran out on the Camarilla, not just ran away from it." Louise grimaces at the boutique window.
"We want them to think we're open to the possibility." Jamie smiles winningly, and holds something black and shiny up to Louise. "Hmm. Maybe. Besides... you get to see Simon in a suit."

Louise glares at her, then takes the dress into the changing room.


Simon uses his knowledge of hospital procedure to scout around and look for cracks in security that haven't already been exploited by vampires looking for easy blood.

And finds himself being watched by a ghost.

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