Wednesday 6 November 2019

Red Sands: Seven

Vampire: The Masquerade fifth edition
Red Sands
Session Seven

Miguel offers information and aid, in return for information and other kinds of barter. "And I'll warn you about the Tower for free." He lays out who the threats are, like The Woman Who Would Be Prince.

"You'll be able to meet them at this thing in one of the nice old galleries. They like to act open and approachable. As long as you don't look out of place."

The gang head back to the Starlight, hoping for a quiet day. A motel with basically every other room vacant and an easily bribed manager will do that.

Louise considers making a move on Simon, now they're settled and have beds and things like that.

Come the evening, they see about meeting up with Shae to see if they can make some more contacts. This involves going to the beach. "Nomads..."

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