Wednesday 27 November 2019

Red Sands: Ten

Vampire: The Masquerade fifth edition
Red Sands
Session Ten

Simon watches the ghost to see what he might do... not that he has any real way of stopping whatever that choice might be.

"So, come to steal blood from people who need it? Makes you feel less guilty than taking it from people directly?"

The lights flicker as the ghost moves closer. Simon backs up, towards a more populated ward, hoping ghosts have to hide what they do as well. The figure doesn't seem to follow, but he keeps a look out as he heads for the exit.


Returning empty-handed, he finds Jamie doing Louise's hair.

"So I guess we're going to this thing, huh?"

He foregoes a tie.

"So can I not wear high heels?" Louise asks Jamie as she wriggles in a little black dress.
"No," Jamie says as she adjusts her long silver satin.

Jacob does wear a tie.


The private gallery in Gaslamp is full of people acting like they admire the art. The three vampires can tell they're not alone, although there are still two or three people alive for every one dead.

Baptiste greets them, and brings them to an imperious-looking woman in white.

"My friends - " He ignores Louise's look as he calls them that " - may I present Elizabeth."

The vampire lady smiles not-remotely-warmly.

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