Saturday 30 April 2022


I decided not to follow tonight's Mage game by going to an actual pagan ritual. Happy Beltane!

Mage: The Ascension 2022 27: Violence!

This week: violence!

Cara kicks a demon right out of the body he's possessing!

Simon and Alissa lay down a ward to keep the Earthbound from rising!

Didi trips a guy!

The day is saved!

The Council take most of the credit!

We're too tired to argue!

Wednesday 27 April 2022

Tuesday 26 April 2022


Happy 10th anniversary, The Avengers! (For showing here anyway.) The one I go back to most of the MCU.

Saturday 23 April 2022

Mage: The Ascension 2022 26: Godzilla!

So, the demonic plan is to awaken an Earthbound demon sleeping under the city, and if we don't want a repeat of the New Bremen Godzilla Incident we're going to have to stop that.

Friday 22 April 2022

New Bremen at 22


Really wish they'd start a V5 version

The liability of hosting a chat makes NB likely a relic of a bygone time

which blows ass

Conrad Hubbard:
I think you need two things to create a New Bremen:
1. A group of people willing to work on it. This happened last time because me and a bunch of Storytellers put crazy amounts of time into it.
2. A critical mass of players. I think this happened last time by it being on the White Wolf website. If a company didn't want to host it, they would at least have to give an unofficial chat a prominent link.
Being on the White Wolf website gave it that air of authenticity, and that definitely drew players. There are a ton of small and medium size Discord servers running, sure a lot of them aren't great, but the desire and ST's are out there. sorta.

Saturday 16 April 2022

Mage: The Ascension 2022 25: Dickery!

Dickish Euthanatos Guy annoyingly finds a lead on the demon issue, so we have to go into a scary lair place and fight shadow things.

Easter special sadly lacking in resurrected religious figures, or bunnies.


Going to try to get back to STing in the summer.

Monday 11 April 2022

Josie And The Pussycats

"Wishing a happy 21st birthday to JOSIE AND THE PUSSYCATS, truly the best movie ever. (Join The Army)"

Saturday 9 April 2022

Mage: The Ascension 2022 24: Hunters!

This week, a suspicious lack of demons.

Some ghouls, sure, but that's just a regular weekend.

And crossing paths with a new monster hunter. Who's kind of a dick.

"Well, darn."

Wednesday 6 April 2022

Plot immunity

Some players enjoy feeling the safety of knowing their characters have “plot immunity.” Other players enjoy the stakes and narrative possibilities of character death. Both are viable ways to tell stories, but discuss expectations with the troupe during session zero.
Justin Achilli on Twitter

I want both at times, and often get more plot-armor-y as I get invested in characters.

Saturday 2 April 2022

Mage: The Ascension 2022 23: Demon kicking!

And next, demonic possession.

Simon and Cara and Michael get to be mysterious heroic strangers when they show up to help, having detected the intrusion. Didi and Alissa get to be supportive and warm as the boys prepare the ritual to draw the demon out. Cara is confident and reassuring as she gets ready to apply combat boots.

Demon: "A great fury rises. Your world will scream."
Didi: "Oh, big surprise."

Demon thumped and banished but the reason it appeared still a question for the Traditions in general...

I'm sure it'll be fine.

Friday 1 April 2022

Trying to remake The Crow again

The Crow remake, really this time? With Bill SkarsgÄrd?

Okay, probably not an April Fool because it's not wacky enough, but after all these attempts it feels like a fool's errand.

"Hey, this guy wore white face paint with lines over the eyes in a movie, get him!"

Also, if it actually happens it means a reboot of The Crow with an Eric I don't find attractive. Which is shallow of me, but.