Sunday 16 November 2014


Hello, world.

So, yeah, RPGs, Storytelling, that kind of thing. Because I've been posting it on LiveJournal. And it's too cold to play outside.I've been into RPGs since, er, the 80s.

Why blog now? Well, it's the tenth anniversary of Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, and a couple days after I started WODhappens, a Twitter about what I'd be doing if the World Of Darkness MMORPG had come out. Which is mostly jokes about how annoying life events would be cool features in a WOD game, and jokes about crappy MMO features as well.

Currently I'm running a "new" World Of Darkness second edition game about Puny Mortals! called "Walking Alone". I'll ramble about that here sooner rather than later.

I miss New Bremen

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