Monday 17 November 2014

Walking Alone

My current game, Puny Mortals! stumbling into the (n)WOD, using the second edition rules as previewed in The God-Machine Chronicle.

A cop, a coroner, a college girl whose brother disappeared under suspicious circumstances, and the brother's roommate. They have a few ways of looking into suspicious events, and they all have reasons to.

They looked at a weird crime scene (the brother's ID being found with the corpse, which wasn't his).

They were warned not to look too closely at a turf war between two gangs... backed by vampires.

This led to a sit-down meeting with a vampire in a dark scary nightclub - the coroner already knows about vampires.

They met the other side (and a neutral werewolf) while sneaking into a fancy Halloween party. (Other possible "Halloween special" ideas I discussed with other STs and GMs included a haunted house and a Scooby-Doo mystery, but the fourth session was a bit early for a Scooby-Doo ending.)

This led in turn to stopping blood donation thefts - good for humans who need blood, likely to annoy vampires.

And pursuing another lead, they tried to get into a warehouse. (It was a short session.)

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