Friday 28 November 2014


So this week we've had rioting, scandal, a national holiday in the US which we don't celebrate here and yet still Black Friday is apparently a thing here. How much would you put into a game set around the present?

The Ferguson rioting feels too close to do more than mention it. I had Occupy appear in games when that was going on - the difference being that it was peaceful, it didn't feel disrespectful to reference it.

Scandal... eh, there's always scandal.

Thanksgiving probably gets a passing mention as I'm running a US-set game for non-US gamers and not all of the PCs have homes to go to. Christmas is the big "home for the holidays" event here, and wrapped up in midwinter and rebirth and angels and stuff, so it's going to get a session to itself in a few weeks.

Black Friday invites a few jokes, nothing more.

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