Tuesday 25 November 2014


In twenty-three years I've never seen someone create a Nosferatu in a tabletop Vampire: The Masquerade game.

It nearly happened at a recent session of an ongoing Masquerade game I hear about regularly-ish... then didn't.

The fact that I've seen one in each of the last two Requiem games I've been in - one monstrously ugly and one not ugly but still scary - makes me think the fact Masquerade Nosferatu must always be ugly could be what puts people off.

I've seen some in chats - usually "alt" secondary characters though, even there. 

Masquerade LARPS, meanwhile, have lots of Nosferatu, mostly played by people who want to show up to games in monster makeup.

Likewise, if the WOD MMO had come out, I would have at least tried out wilder options for making a character avatar. A strong visual and a virtual dressing-up box is always appealing.

It's the combover that really kills it.

Then again, nobody's played a particularly attractive character in the last couple games I've run either. That's probably stranger... The games have tended towards investigation rather than social interaction, so standing out either way wouldn't really help.

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