Monday 23 February 2015

Shall we play a game?

My only current game as a player has come to a sort of conclusion. (Things blew up.) So I don't got game.

There'll be another one along in a few weeks, after some pitching and arguing and so on. I'm not about to offer, as it's nice to play and running two games a week can get a bit much. Even if I were, it's a pretty casual group, not a good fit for horror and vampires and angst and stuff.

Maybe one of the Mage games, where you can go a bit weirder and more monster-of-the-week and things can blow up, maybe with a very monster-of-the-week setup, but that's still STing and not playing.

Likely options from the rest of the group include Star Wars (because Star Wars is always a likely option - even I've run Star Wars) or 13th Age or something superhero-y. I wouldn't mind any of those, but I'd have to work to be The Keen Player.

Last time any of them STed a WOD game was a whole WOD ago.

Wish me luck.

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