Saturday 7 February 2015

Caring about the game as a player

My only current game as a player is winding down. I ain't offering to take over, the group isn't very WOD-ish and I have Puny Mortals! to take care of. I would like to be fairly engaged in the next game though, not just show up and shake dice and eat snacks.

It seems that gamers generally end up GMing / STing the games we care about, and playing whatever someone else happens to be up for running. The last time I really felt keen as a player was an SF game a couple years ago, where I got to be captain of the ship and actually feel captain-y.

And the ultimate form of caring is getting emotional about a game. I haven't done that in a long while. It needs the right mix of players - unrequited love is easier to arrange than requited, for example.

(Another reason to miss New Bremen, where plenty of us cared... often slightly too much... :D )

I'd say two of my Puny Mortals! are keen - Sarah and Jim's, both pretty big WOD fans - and the other two are having fun but not as engaged. This is better than a lot of games, I guess.

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