Friday 13 February 2015

Planning a biggish session

Happy Friday... the Thirteenth!

So, yeah, I sent one of my Walking Alone PCs back to 1888.

Obviously this is not the sort of thing I do to just anyone, but Sarah's player is keen and happy to bring the angst. And there will be angst to spare, methinks. There will of course be a dashing young gentleman in 1888 for her to develop feelings for even as she tries to work out her way home...

This is kind of a "setpiece" adventure to drop into the regular flow of the Puny Mortals getting in trouble in the present, so I've prepped it more than usual.

I already established plans of the house and suitably aged photos of the dashing young gentleman and some of his family in the previous session as they investigated the haunting (actually a time slip) so she has some clues about the initial murder to work with.

And we may have found an actor as the visual reference for Sarah who has done some period dramas...

Meanwhile for the boys left behind, Dr. Connelly's player will be away and Doyle's will be late, and Jim's will have spare angst to deliver. Mwahahaha.

Jim and Our Psychic Friend Amanda will be able to hear 1888 fleetingly, and interact with it a bit due to ripples in time - enough to distract a killer at a vital moment, for instance.

So we've got the angstiest players, quite a lot of visual stuff in place, and some nice dresses for our hero to wear...

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