Friday 6 February 2015

Allies and Agendas

The Puny Mortals! have one real ally in the supernatural world, and he's not to be trusted. Because, hey, he's a vampire.

And not a nice conflicted high-Humanity vampire like I'd generally play, either.

(Although I have an idea for our heroes to meet a nice conflicted high-Humanity vampire... who isn't a big fan of their ally. That'll be awkward.)

Nope, Kendrick is pretty open about the fact he's using them to advance his own agenda and doesn't trust them either. But right now, their agendas parallel. More or less.

And he isn't as bad as the demon. Not quite.

I had to make it pretty clear he was withholding information, because players rely on the ST to give an accurate view of the setting and it can often bleed over into NPC dialogue - NPCs lying is actually pretty unusual...

I don't know, he seems trustworthy to me...

How much can the PCs in your games trust NPCs? Or each other?

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