Thursday 19 February 2015

Walking Back In Time

A split session of Walking Alone, with Jim and Doyle (and Amanda and Mike) looking for Sarah, and Sarah looking for a way to return home after being thrown back to 1888...

But the life she finds herself trapped in is rather appealing, as a wealthy family takes her in and the handsome son of the household takes a shine to her. Time to learn some waltz steps and to have a ballgown made for her as she tries to work out a way back... and if she wants that.

"I have to go home..."
"Must you?"
"Um... well, it's not... urgent..."

While in the present they look for a way to reopen the breach that caught Sarah, and Jim finally admits he has feelings for her, because this is the worst possible time to do so. Boys.

"Do you think I should have said something before she fell into a time vortex?"
"... Don't make me hit you, Jim."

Being a hero, Sarah prevents the murder that would create the time slip when she arrives, then catches the killer at the ball before he can try again and thus ends it, which sends her back to the present. And of course the last thing she hears is the son calling her name as the door closes...

So we have Sarah nursing a broken heart and Jim hiding his love to spare her further pain. Nice to have players who know how to make their characters suffer.

(And she didn't even get to keep the dress! She returned in her normal clothes. I'm so mean.)

Overall I'd say the session was a success. Sarah's player enjoyed playing at being a lady, and being too modern and confident and complaining about corsets. Jim's player got to top up his angst supply. Doyle's player got to knock out a murderer from a century in the past. Everybody seemed to have fun, mostly at their characters' expense.

Next week: I dunno, monsters or something.

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