Saturday 31 October 2015

This is Hallowe'en, This is Hallowe'en

Hallowe'en, Hallowe'en, Hallowe'en, Hallowe'en
(Hallowe'en, Hallowe'en)

So... plans?

Thursday 29 October 2015

Paradox Interactive buys White Wolf

Look in on the White Wolf page...

We Are The People Your Parents Warned You About

We Are The Night session 4...

"So is this a fancy vampire party?"
"This will be a quiet session behind closed doors, but still, Prince of the city and all that." Laura shrugs.
"Prince? Really?"
"Yeah." Michael growls under his breath.

Laura helped Mary find an outfit that wouldn't draw attention to her. Or her neck.

"Hair down, dark colors, sensible shoes. No cross jewelry - too on the nose. We'll do the fancy vampire party at the weekend. Promise!"
"... You don't have to on my account!"

Talbot, the Prince, attended the meeting at one of the Plaza's restaurants, with two humans who looked like a bodyguard and a P.A.

"Miss Danvers, an honor to meet you, so sorry it is under such circumstances."

The Prince relayed some of what he knew about Simon's recent dealings. Nothing that he couldn't have told Michael the night before. He spoke softly. Laura and Michael both notice how Mary didn't seem scared by him like she was by every other vampire, including them...

On the way out, they saw a woman with eerily blue eyes watching them at the bar.

Once outside, Michael bared his teeth as someone else approached.

"Did you see the woman?" he asked.

Thursday 22 October 2015

We Are The Problem, Not The Solution

We Are The Night session 3...

The guy selling discard AB blood was curious why Laura was buying. "You haven't found religion, have you?" She paid extra for him not to be.

Michael headed to Mary's university campus to check for other vampires. A few. "There are always some. Kids away from home for the first time, access to drink and drugs. Almost too easy."

One of the ringleaders approached to a polite distance, asked what he was doing there.

"Making sure it's safe for this girl."
"Simon's? Sure, we can keep on steering clear." She smiled like this was an act of great generosity.

Mary discreetly tested whether vampires show up in mirrors, and on camera.

"We know we're being reflected like you know when you're being watched." Laura pointedly fixed her lipstick in the mirror once she figured out what she was doing.

On his way back, another vampire approached Michael, at a closer than polite distance.

"You are looking into the death of Simon Lucas. Might I ask why?"
"Of course. It's a family matter."
"Not looking to take over his holdings?"
"There will be a meeting to discuss the matter at the Plaza tomorrow evening. Bring the girl."

Michael nodded low, and the Prince walked away.

(Yes, the Prince is pretty. This is deliberate.)

Sunday 18 October 2015

Crimson Peak

Crimson Peak is sooooo pretty. Not much of a story though. (And for not-very-horror-y people there's one bit like the bottle in Pan's Labyrinth.)

Still wanting to play Victorian Age Vampire.

Thursday 15 October 2015

The Park

I can imagine a World Of Darkness computer game working as standalone adventures, like The Park, a spinoff from The Secret World where you play a scared single mother instead of a monster-hunting Chosen One. The character and her goal could make it pretty grim, as the developers note.

Wednesday 14 October 2015

We Are The Nightmare

We Are The Night session 2...

The three broke into Simon's haven. Michael went first, eyes narrowed and teeth bared. Laura looked through Simon's collection of antiques and books, concluding that he must have had more storage space elsewhere. Mary found faded photos of her parents and grandmother, pictures of herself as a child... and more recently, taken on the street without her knowledge.

"These were taken during the day..." Laura pointed out.
"He couldn't have taken them. So who did?"

Simon had no ghouls, as far as they knew. Not that they knew him that well.

Laura heard a noise outside, Michael ran off to look. Another vampire, a thin face and a cold smile. He stared the intruder down, baring his teeth when she noticed the scent of a mortal inside.

Having a mortal in the group really changes the feel of even a small possible combat.

She withdrew. They'd know her if they saw her again.

Michael decided it would be a good idea to be at full blood just in case. Having a mortal around affects that too, as he somewhat awkwardly went looking for rats. Laura made some calls about accessing past-its-sell-by-date blood at a hospital.

Are they both trying to look good in her eyes...?

Yes, things are already getting awkward...

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Finally, due to DVD rental changes, watched Cowboy Bebop.

You could have warned me about Edd.

Friday 9 October 2015

We Are The City

We Are The Night is set in New York, as Gotham, chrome skyscrapers and brick warehouses, lurid clubs and dark alleys, subways and rooftops. But it's also a real working city with real working people, to contrast with the version that vampires see. Each side gets to see a different view of the city, and the world. The vampires are powerful, scary... and lonely.

The kids are unaligned, so there'll be lots of other solitary vampires pursuing selfish concerns, and the covenants will be gangs or cults, creepy and alienating. There will be Nosferatu in the sewers because there have to be, even though there will also be human-looking Nosferatu strolling around up top.

They'll need a formal Elysium (though they don't have a visible Prince) and the city has plenty of options. And an informal neutral ground in the Rack - I'm tempted to call it the Succubus Club for old times' sake.

Thursday 8 October 2015

We Are The First Night

We Are The Night starts with a murder. Start as you mean to go on.

Mary had met Simon a few times, as he hadn't been as subtle in watching out for her as he might have been. And now he was dead, and turning to dust right in front of her. He had his enemies... and now he was gone they were her inheritance, because she was his granddaughter. So now she knows vampires exist... and vice versa.

Laura had never met Mary until Simon, her sire, directed her to protect her in his final message. "You're the only family you have left."

Michael didn't want to get involved. He had a feeling he'd be saying that a lot over the next few nights. But he'd seen Simon watch over her, and seen a value in her.

Mary wants to do the right thing. Laura wants to protect Mary. Michael wants to punish those responsible.

This is going to be messy.

Thursday 1 October 2015

Carmilla Season Two

On the subject of people and the vampires who love them...

We Are The Night

Two vampires and a human walk into a bar...

Michael was a Gangrel with a lean and hungry look. Laura was a Daeva with a broken heart. And Mary was the only human descendant of Laura's sire, hunted by the vampire who killed him.

Oh, these kids are gonna be in so much trouble.

Keeping the number of vampires around fairly low, so every one is a big deal.

I haven't decided who or what the Prince is, assuming there is one. There's definitely a creepy Lancea et Sanctum group around, and a creepy Circle of the Crone group too. And some corrupt cops (again) and a suave vampire running a Goth club (because of course) and a Nosferatu elder who doesn't look hideous but still makes you want to run away (because Requiem). Not sure what else yet.

And our heroes may already be planning romantic tension.

Anybody with a spare plot hook lemme know. :)