Friday 27 November 2015

Black Friday, I'm in love

The streets are filled with ravenous, remorseless hunters. Not vampires. Shoppers.

Cleanup on every aisle. Please send help. We beg you.

Shop till someone drops.

Tales From Black Friday 2015

Wednesday 25 November 2015

We Are The Not Sure About This

We Are The Night session 8...

Laura shadowed the stalker, who proved to be a human. She suspected, not unreasonably, that he was working for a vampire, so got that bit closer to listen in as he made a call.

Mary hit a couple bars with Jo and Steve, having roughly zero much fun due to her grandfather dying and the whole issue with vampires.

Michael followed Mary, staying out of sight. He spotted the man tailing her, and Laura as well. I'm sure this won't be awkward.

The stalker's conversation was vague in a sinister way. "She's in sight, out with friends... no, nothing like that..." He headed off.

Some guys hit on Mary and Jo. Steve got defensive, telling them Mary wasn't interested. Not really his call to make even though she wasn't, as Jo pointed out. One of the guys looked like he was considering a swing at Steve. Laura intervened, far enough away that Mary didn't see, and one look in her eye made him back right down.

Steve walked Mary and Jo home, with Michael shadowing at a distance. When they got there, they found it had been ransacked...

Thursday 19 November 2015

We Are The Nightlife

We Are The Night session 7...

A dingy basement nightclub in the Village, home to a small stage, domain of Julia. Laura tried not to look out of place. Michael didn't bother.

Mary stayed away, on campus, in brightly lit areas with lots of people.

"So, her defenders... Let me assure you that I have no interest in the girl herself, only in her grandfather's holdings. A shame to let it all lie fallow, wouldn't you agree?"

Unconvinced but with nothing more to go on at that moment, they split up. Michael said he would look over Simon's land while Laura returned to the Rack. He lied and went back to campus to keep an eye on Mary. Laura, in turn, called Mary to check in.

"It's Friday night, you should be out... I can be there to make sure you don't get any unwelcome attention..."

Vampires lying to each other. This will go well.

And sure enough, this was when Laura noticed someone following Mary.

Monday 16 November 2015

One year later

I started this blog thing a year ago, and in that time I've run most of one game and started another, grumbled about other games, made some jokes, passed some stuff on and even had some comments. We've also seen VTM 4 and CTD 20 announced and White Wolf sold to Paradox Interactive. Things be happenin'. Who knows what next year will bring? (Probably some gaming.)

Thursday 12 November 2015

We Are You And Me And Them

We Are The Night session 6...

We know how Mary got mixed up with vampires... how did our vampires get here?

Michael sat with Mary at a cafe just off campus, slowly sipping water as she worked through a sandwich and cappuccino.

"It, uh, doesn't bother you, right?"
"It's fine..." he said, not entirely honestly.
"How long has it been?"
"Six years, give or take."
"That's not actually all that long... How did it happen?"
"Wrong place at the wrong time."
"It's okay, you can tell me. If you want."

He considered this, and told her. He'd been travelling for work, and not finding much, for a year or so when it happened. He hasn't seen her since.

"That's terrible."
"You deal."
"How? How do you...?"
"Animals, mostly."

He looked uneasy. She put a hand on his.

Naturally, that was when Laura came in.

She discussed what she had found about the woman with blue eyes - her name was Julia, and her preferred feeding ground and possible domain was a late night club in the Village - and her "enemy" - which wasn't much really. She suggested taking Mary to see her, and that Michael could come as well...

Monday 9 November 2015

Coincidental magic. With trucks.

In the gap between Halloween and the Bloodlines anniversary, imagining Mage: The Ascension from an outside POV at WOD Happens. It wouldn't be big and flashy, it would look like accidents...

The quiet week between Halloween and the Bloodlines anniversary where - oh, Mages at war. #WorldOfDarkness weather is coincidental lightning

When I grow up I want to be a Hollow One. Not that I'm going to grow up.

From an outside POV Mage battles are running, shouting and then someone getting hit by a reversing truck.

And then the Tremere are all like "look, I'm shooting fireballs, no Paradox for me!"
And then there's another truck.

There are always more trucks.

Mage war is less obvious than vampire or werewolf war. Unless you own a rare book store or a server farm.

Or, of course, a truck.

Thursday 5 November 2015

We Are What We Are

We Are The Night session 5...

The Blue Eyed Woman was another vampire, a Daeva, older than Simon. There to see the Prince about Simon's hunting ground.

"So why tell us?" Michael asked.
"She is my enemy..." the man said, and stepped away.

"Are you all like this?" Mary asked, not unreasonably.

Next day she returned to class, reasonably confident that she was safe while the sun was out. She headed to the library, looking up local history... and unsolved murders.

Her studies were interrupted by friends, Steve and Jo. Hanging out reminded her how strange Laura and Michael were... while also reminding her of them in another way, as Steve would have liked to be more than a friend, but...

Another night, and Laura was waiting outside her dorm. "You should be safe enough on campus, and with friends..." She pointedly glanced to a dark side path. Then she stood up, approached... paused and looked over as Michael stepped out of a shadow nearby.

(There was also research, but we're here for the awkward...)