Wednesday 16 October 2019

Red Sands: Four

Vampire: The Masquerade fifth edition
Red Sands
Session Four

Mariah takes a seat while the mortals stand. She lays out her demands to get her to leave the coterie and Shae alone. She looks to Louise. "So I hear you're a car thief. I need you and your, ah, friends to bust up a gang of them for me. They're bad for business."
Louise narrows her eyes. "Nice to know folks around here are so up front about being crooked."
"We can do the high-falutin' courtly double talk if you like, but seems like a lot of trouble. I know what's important not to say."

Mariah glances at Simon. "How about you, doesn't offend your morals and such, does it?" He says nothing.

She watches Jacob for a moment, her mouth staying closed but shifting her jaw like she's thinking about food.

Jamie smiles ever so slightly as Mariah doesn't aim any "I know you better than you know me" comments at her.

The somewhat older vampire gives them an address, the boss's name and some numbers of people who might be at the chop shop.

With no real options, they go to check it out briefly, before crashing in a shuttered motel for the day, with Jacob going to look it over by himself. He confirms that the boss can go out in daylight as well. Which used to mean mortal, but these days who can say...?

So they head out of the Starlight to take a more thorough look. Louise follows a couple of men out, they're heading to 'collect some merchandise' and she figures she can steal it out from under them and start some trouble...

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