Wednesday 9 October 2019

Red Sands: Three

Vampire: The Masquerade fifth edition
Red Sands
Session Three

Jamie scowls. "Some things never change."
Shae nods. "Yeah, sucks all round. But now you're here, maybe you can help."
"So this is the part where we pay for your help?" Simon asks with a grimace.
"If you're willing. Gets that sense of obligation out of the way, right?"
Louise growls to herself.

Shae outlines what they can do to get Mariah off her back. "If you'd rather buy her off than wipe her out."

So they head over to the bar, to see if the observer is still there. He is. He smiles coldly. "New arrivals,  new friends, how nice."
"Is everyone in this city snippy?" Louise asks.
"Good to know."

He makes a call, and soon another vampire walks in, with two men following her.

"So, why are you all here?"

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