Wednesday 30 October 2019

Red Sands: Six

Vampire: The Masquerade fifth edition
Red Sands
Session Six

Shae leads the group to a nightclub, which is loud and dark and dingy.

"Good so far..." Jamie says with a cold smile. "This on the Rack?"

Shae nods, and Jamie slips into the crowd like a shark into water.

Jacob suppresses a shiver.

Once Jamie returns, with a spring in her step, Shae takes the group to a booth near the back, and to a man called Lucas. He draws them a rough map of the city, noting the basics of who's where. Several gangs, a commune... and a Camarilla outpost by the port.

"Of course this varies from night to night..."

The Starlight is safe enough, being in the space between various factions. At least for now. "City's lost a leader, might be why you came. Either way, olds are going to try to move in. Too much nice beachfront property not to. They run the big shipping, keep close to the border."

A few more questions: Simon asks where's good to score bagged blood, and Jamie manages not to laugh.

Then away to talk to someone else. Miguel. He keeps watch on the border, but doesn't answer to the Camarilla representatives.

He can be found by carrier pigeon. If he feels like talking.

After an hour, a figure with a hoodie pulled down low and a heavy coat joins them. Eyes glint catlike in the light from the streets below.

"New friends. Here for business, or here to make a stand?"
"Which answer would make you happy?" Louise asks.
"I like the quiet... but I know I'm strange like that."

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