Wednesday 2 October 2019

Red Sands: Two

Vampire: The Masquerade fifth edition
Red Sands
Session Two

Jamie notices the observer. He sees that he's been spotted and just meets her gaze in a silent challenge. She points him out to the others. Jacob frowns. "He's one of Mariah's." Only Simon knows who that is - a rival to the power in the city. Hearing that, the observer gets up and heads out, with a backward glance as he gets to the door.

"If he's watching the place, and there's no sign of Shae, could be she's not coming. Either she decided to stay away, or..."

"Well, that's just perfect," Louise mutters.

Jacob steps out to try to call Shae. Simon keeps an eye on him through the window.

"Okay, let's try this again. Eleven, at the parking lot in back of the Red Circle."
"Sounds nice..." Simon deadpans.

They take two different cabs to get there. Jamie goes with Jacob. "We can get to know each other better." she says with a false smile.

And Louise notices that she and Simon are being followed.

She has the driver drop them off at a bus station, and pulls Simon along with her to lose the tail.

They manage to get to the rendezvous apparently solo, to find Jamie and Jacob there already, and Shae arrives just a few minutes late.

"Sorry for the rearrangement. I didn't really feel like meeting with Mariah tonight."
"Why not?" Louise asks.
"Oh, she's planning to kill me."

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