Wednesday 22 November 2017

The Forgotten: Eight

The coterie meet early the next night, away from the Vault.

"Lake said my sire knew about the attacks." Samuel grimaces.
"Was he ever around Lewiston?" Mia asks.
"Not that I know of."
"Everything else seems to point there," David adds.
"Road trip?" Jessica asks.

Jones shrugs. "Makes a change from running after them."

They head over in two cars, David driving Jessica and Mia in one, Jones driving Samuel in the other. Mia gets to see the Harpers' familial warmth. Samuel gets to use his phone in peace.


Finding an address supplied by Mia's sire, they find their way to a club near the city college, and to a vampire who, on noticing them, nods for them to meet her outside.

"You're from Lawrence?"
"We are." Jones looms.
"Just here to ask questions." Mia puts a hand on his arm, and smiles at their new friend disarmingly.
"Good. Because there's not enough town for four more of us." The vampire peers at Jessica curiously. Jessica looks away uncomfortably and the vampire smiles slightly.
"Is that why our kind of people keep coming over to Lawrence?" David asks, pulling her attention back.
"They hear your boss is weak. Something about the bookish types getting in trouble."

Jones looks at Samuel before he can stop himself.

"... Anyway, you know how rumors start." The stranger shrugs lightly. "The one you want to talk to would be Stewart." She opens her purse - slowly as she notices the group watching - and writes an address on a slip of paper. "Danton works for him."


The address leads to an all-night cafe across the campus.

There are no vampires inside.

"Set-up?" Jones growls.
"Or maybe..." Mia approaches one of the baristas, flashes a smile and a tip and a little Presence."Yes, seems he's here fairly often. Not the last couple of nights, though."
"Maybe I can catch his scent." Jones breathes in deeply. "Maybe."

He leads them to one of the college's library buildings. And two other vampires. One is apparently Stewart. The other is a familiar face from the Vault.

The Lawrence vampire makes a run for it.

Jones gives chase.

Stewart backs up, hands raised, as David and Mia approach.

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