Thursday 2 November 2017

The Forgotten: Five

David shrugs off Grey's news. "Our sire doesn't mean all that much to me."
"Come on, don't be like that. I'm here to give you some sisterly advice. There's a storm on the horizon, and you better roll with it or ride it out, or get out of town. Take the other one with you."

He calls Jessica on the way out, to make sure she's alright.

"Y'know it scares me when you do that."
"That's the idea."


Jones catches the unknown vampire's scent again out at the Rack, and finds her heading into a club with a group of mortals. He doesn't look the part to get in, so he waits outside and calls Mia.

By the time she arrives, she can't find the new vampire inside.

Jones calls on Samuel to see if he can detect her. It comes down as a distinct 'maybe'. He can tell she fed on one of the clubbers inside. His friends get him into a taxi, and Jones follows that.


And then it's Halloween. Mia is expected to help with a masquerade ball at Elysium. She's assured that doing well will be good for her profile by Sean, new childe and favorite of her sire Elena.

There will be mortals there, the great and good of the city attending a fundraiser for the Civic Theater, so Jessica could come but David isn't wildly keen on the idea.

"So, what, I should stay home watching old movies and not answering the door to trick or treaters?"

David makes exasperated noises.


Mia gets a designer little black dress and domino mask. David reluctantly wears a tux. Jessica stops herself getting a vampire costume and wears a dark dress and shoes she can run in. Samuel goes for the black suit and matching shirt. Jones decides to lurk outside. Mia suggests he'd be dashing if he tried and he takes the compliment with a smirk but still doesn't come to the party.

Monica comes in on the arm of Henry Barrett, Prince of the city. He nods to Mia and Jessica in passing and ignores the rest of the group.

Jessica whispers "He's beautiful..." David seethes, and she smirks, playing it as a joke. "Like you don't think that about Mia." He starts looking at the decorations.


Outside, Jones watches mortals come and go from his vantage point on a rooftop opposite the theater.

And he finds himself joined by Grier, the Sheriff. The Nosferatu stands out of the spotlight.

"You could be inside, unlike me."
"I'm fine out here."
"You're worried."
"Few too many new faces around."
"I agree."
"I've seen one, she runs when I get close, seems to think it's a game."
"Hm. Maybe she thinks you're pretty."


Barrett makes the rounds of the room, playing the good host with the mortals.

Monica politely introduces herself to Jessica.
"I don't believe we've met. You're David's sister? Such connections are to be cherished." She smiles, and it almost doesn't sound like a threat.

Samuel lurks a safe distance from the dancing. But this allows Carlin, a Tremere antiques dealer, to approach.
"So you've made it to Halloween. It'll soon be a year since... well."
"I remember." Samuel looks like he's considering boiling his clanmate's blood.
"Such a shame we never found his killer."

David is unconvinced by an old money couple called the Elliotts saying they care about the theater, but tries not to show it.

Jessica suggests that Mia should rescue him, and smiles wickedly and looks to the dance floor.

So now David and Mia are dancing.

And, thanks to karma, a handsome young man asks her to dance as well.

And then she spots Grey making an entrance.

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