Monday 13 November 2017

You're The Only Thing Worth Dying For: Three

Vampire: The Requiem
You're The Only Thing Worth Dying For

Three: Some kind of connection


"Will I see you again?"
"... If you want to."

Sarah thought for a moment, and nodded slightly. They exchanged numbers.


The next night, a little after sundown, he called her.

"Good evening."
"Did you just wake up?"
"Just about."
"There are a few courses here where you'd fit right in."

He chuckled.

"So, what are you doing tonight? Patrolling like Campus Batman?"
"Something like that. Making sure the other knows I'm keeping an eye on the place."
"Can't be easy. I mean, students... young, healthy, away from home, easy to lure into dark alleys..."
"Yeah, it's a popular choice. Up there with clubs."
"Oh, good, I was supposed to going to a club tonight."
"Oh. Sorry."
"You could come."
"Make sure there aren't any... is there a term other than vampires?"
"Uh, several. But yeah, I could meet you at yours, or there."
"There. I'm going with some friends."

She gave him a street address and a time, and went back to looking at two possible outfits.

She chose the hotter of the two.


When he saw her, he paused.

"I feel underdressed."
"... Good." She smiled and took his arm. "Come on, I'll introduce you."
"What are you going to introduce me as?"
"I'll think of something."

She introduced him to her friends Caitlyn and Gemma.

"He helped scare off the guy that was trying to mug that girl."
"Oh, he's brave too?" Caitlyn asked.

And then Daniel noticed that there actually was another vampire in the club.

"What is it?" Sarah asked softly as she noticed his reaction, as he stepped away to look around.
"You might not be safe with me."

She considered this, and took his arm again. 

Caitlyn and Gemma exchanged a look as they excused themselves.

"One of yours? More than one."
"One, I think. Hard to tell with so many people." 

He stood still, looking around slowly. 

"There. Her."

She was uncannily elegant. Anyone who knew vampires existed would suspect her.

"Do you know her?"
"She's the one that made me."

Sarah looked her over, with a mixture of wariness and suspicion.

"This can't be a coincidence," Daniel warned her. "She's here for me. You're in danger."
"And you're in danger too. She already killed you."

He paused, then nodded.

"Still, I have to know why she's here."

His sire looked up as he approached, and then past him to where Sarah stood.

"I smell her on you. But not on your breath. Are you playing with your food?" 
"Leave her out of this."
"Oh. Still trying to be one of them? Old habits die hard. But they do die."
"Why are you here?"
"Why shouldn't I be here? This is the rack. It was before you were born, much less made. I hear you want the campus to yourself, you can't have the whole city."
"You're here to threaten me?"
"Consider it advice. Parental concern."

He flinched, and for a moment bared his teeth.

"A word of friendly warning then. Matthew won't give up the quad after one show of strength, and he knows the girl's face."
"I'll keep that in mind."
"And tell her I was sorry I didn't get a chance to meet her properly."

She slipped into the crowd, out of sight.

Sarah approached once she was sure the vampire was gone.

"Are you alright?"
"Just a warning and some veiled threats." He shook his head. 

She took his hand. 
 "Do you want to dance?"

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