Monday 27 November 2017

You're The Only Thing Worth Dying For: Four

Vampire: The Requiem
You're The Only Thing Worth Dying For

Four: Come a little bit closer


"Do you want to dance?"

He held her hand lightly and stepped towards the dancefloor, and she went with him.

Something fast... then something slow, and she moved closer, showing that she could be in his arms if he wanted. He hesitated, then put a hand on her mid back.

She looked up into his eyes.

"Have you ever..." She paused.
"Ever...?" he asked, thinking of good and bad possibilities.
"Been with a... uh, someone, since?"

He shook his head. Troubled, but nearly hiding it.

"Well, I haven't been with a guy since I got here either." She smiled, trying to lighten things. He chuckled, slightly.

The song changed to something different, and she was still in his arms.

After a lingering moment, she blinked and smiled shyly. "We should... head back."

He nodded, and led her away from the dancefloor and back to her friends. They took her to get drinks.

"So he seems nice... Caitlyn suggested.
"He is, yeah."
"Are there any more like him?" Gemma smiled slyly.
"Not as such."

She glanced around, looking for the other woman, the other vampire.

The party continued, and Caitlyn got a chance to grill Michael like an attentive chaperone. Sarah rescued him before too long.

"She's very fond of you."
"Yeah, she's great."

It was nearing midnight.

"I guess you've got things to do..." she said quietly.
"I suppose so. I could walk you back to your room?"

She wondered if his lips would be warm.

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