Wednesday 8 November 2017

The Forgotten: Six

Grey walks in like she owns the place. She steps over to Jessica, smiling confidently.

"Nice dress." Jessica tries to seem polite.
"Thank you. I thought it might be a bit too 'vampy' but oh well. Do you think I might get a dance with David as well? Assuming he and Mia aren't going to be busy all night..."

Jessica narrows her eyes slightly.

Samuel watches from the sidelines, ready to step in - glancing over to Carlin to make sure he isn't about to get in his way.


Outside, Jones and Grier watch figures in costume come and go, and Jones stops as he sees that vampire making her way through the crowds. He jumps down the fire escape one floor at a time and gives chase.

She spots him coming, and he catches up to her before she can escape to the subway.

"What are you doing here?"
"This city's going to fall. Do you want to fall with it?"
"No. But I have friends I want safe."
"Then use the time you have. It isn't very long."

With that, she runs through a break in the crowd.


It's near the end of the song, and David and Mia are still dancing - when he sees Grey with Jessica and moves away to help her. Mia follows, looking... displeased.

"David, we were just talking. Your day sister's very brave. I hope we can be friends when this is all over."
"I'd say that's up to you and her. What do you want?"
"To do my bit for the theater. Such a good cause. And to get a look at the man we're all supposed to work for." Grey glances over at Barrett, shaking hands with the city's mayor. He looks over and smiles fake-graciously.


Samuel approaches Monica, nodding slightly to Grey. "Another new arrival, a friend of Lake's."
"Perhaps the reason he's so confident lately?"


The quartet starts a new waltz, and David takes the opportunity to extend a hand to Grey, to get her away from Jessica. "May I?"
"Such a gentleman."

She is, it turns out, a very good dancer, with a poise and confidence few humans can match.

"So why are you really here?"
"Why? Aren't you enjoying this?" She smiles teasingly. He moves the direction of the dance further away from his sister. "Tsk. Fine. I come from between here and Lewiston and I hear... oh, small world." She nods towards someone else who has just arrived.


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