Thursday 15 January 2015

Thoughts on non-book monsters in Walking Alone

The demons' (and angels') powers are more "paranormal" - mind reading, telekinesis (with added pyrokinesis) and the like. The vampires are sort of similar, picking and choosing from Requiem 2nd edition. And humans can have a few of those too, naturally or through empowering magic, though the Puny Mortals don't.

Humans: living bodies with their own souls.
Vampires: dead bodies with their own souls.
Ghosts: dead souls without bodies.
Demons: living or dead bodies with something else in charge.
Angels: something else without a stolen body.

The special guest werewolves are here a kind of magic, people with a beast spirit as well as a soul.

The time-warping power I've been thinking about to throw one of the Puny Mortals into the past might fit ghosts better than demons.

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