Thursday 15 January 2015

Walking Alone again

The Puny Mortals! are back for more. Suckers.

Our hero now has her brother back, so we spent some time dealing with that. What he knows (not much) and whether he knows anything about the other missing students and locals (not much) as well as some emotional fallout, not least his tendency to wake screaming in the night and not know why.

Having broken up a demonic cult (following the advice of a vampire) they now have a demon who isn't a big fan of theirs. I don't plan to go full God-Machine here but I might borrow some ideas, like their way of splitting time. Why yes, this might lead to a period costume episode. Ahem.

1 comment:

  1. Sandy: Just how period are you thinking?
    Me: Well, I was complaining about not getting good use out of my Victorian Age Vampire books recently... >:)
    Sandy: I figured you meant VA. I was trying to figure out the reaction to DA ttoo, if only for the chuckle.
    Me: Or the fall of Rome. Or the 1980s. :D
