Monday 25 December 2017

Happy Applicable Holiday!

Games will probably return at some point.

Sunday 10 December 2017

You're The Only Thing Worth Dying For: Five

Vampire: The Requiem
You're The Only Thing Worth Dying For

Five: In these dangerous days


Sarah huddled in her coat as Daniel walked her home, aware of the cold. And aware of how he didn't seem bothered by it.

"So, uh, is there a big society of... you?"
"Not that big. I guess we're pretty solitary." He paused. "And territorial."

Matthew, the rival vampire stepped out.

"Let's not do this," Daniel said.
"Why not? You have your supply. And oh, she smells sweet."
"She's standing right here," Sarah said defiantly.
"And fiery as well." The vampire chuckled, his gaze resting on Sarah's neck.
"Back off," Daniel advised him.
"Why? Do you think you can take me?"
"I think we'll make enough noise to get official attention either way."

Matthew glowered.

"Well. It was a pleasure to meet you properly, Miss." He turned to go, exposing his back to them like he thought they were no threat.

"Are you just gonna let him go? He tried to kill that girl."
"No. I'm not. But let's get you home first."
"I... I can help."
"He's dangerous."
"I'm betting he still won't like pepper spray or a kick in the balls."
"I'll see what... she has to say."
"It didn't sound like she was really interested in helping."
"No. But... now he's just come out in the open to threaten you... us..."

They reached her apartment and she let herself in.

"Come in."
"I should, ah, make sure he's not waiting nearby."

She considered this, nodded, and then quickly moved to press her lips to his.


She went to the cafe just before dark the next evening, waiting to see if he'd come.

He arrived about an hour after sunset.

"We should talk about... last night."

She put her hand on the table, palm up. He considered for a moment, and took it.

"I'm not sure I can... but I want to."

Thursday 7 December 2017

The Forgotten: Ten

"Who did this?" David asks.
"Haven't seen them before. I'd guess Barrett's people. But could be someone else."
"You seem pretty casual about this..." Jessica says.
"They were a means to an end, that's all." There's a hint of anger in Grey's voice. "And I made sure Danni's looked after."

Jones stalks off into the dark, determined to find the stranger.

David and Jessica go to see their mother.

Samuel goes to see Carlin.

Mia, reluctantly, heads to Elysium. Partially to make sure it hasn't been attacked as well.


Jones finds her, not far from the university. She's not alone.

Three other vampires move to surround him as he strides towards her.

"Did you kill Lake?"
"Might have. Problem?"

He looks at her and the others, and shrugs slightly.

"Not really, personally, but my friends might have one."

The first vampire charges, and Jones grabs him, uses his momentum against him, slams him face-first into a wall.


Julia can tell her children are nervous about something.

"It's just, ah, roommate troubles," David assures her. She takes that to be code for girlfriend troubles. Jessica doesn't quite suppress a smile as this idea.


Carlin meets Samuel at the city's central train station.

"A friend from Lewiston told me my sire was murdered, and Barrett let it slide."
"How interesting. What would lead your friend to suggest that?"
"I would guess he wants to cause trouble. But he might also be telling the truth."
"So, how to know one way or the other..."

He leads the way to the house Samuel's sire died in...


Mia sees her sire, Elena, at the gallery.

"I hear you and your little Brujah friend have been busy."
"... We've been looking into something. With some others."
"Hm, well, I saw the way you danced with him."
"... Uh, anyway, did you hear about the attack on the Vault?"
"Yes, terrible... who do you think it was?"
"I know someone suspects the Prince."
"Of course they do. But what does he gain from that?"


Jones dodges a swing from the second new vampire and elbows her in the face, knocking her to the ground and kicking her head down onto the tarmac.

The stranger smiles coldly as the third new vampire circles Jones warily.

"You think you can beat us all?"
"I think if I beat you that's what matters."
"That would make a point, but there are always more of us."
"Who are you?"
"Barrett's only been Prince a few decades. And he didn't wipe out everyone he had to when he took power."

Wednesday 29 November 2017

The Forgotten: Nine

Jones chooses a suitably dark alley to bring the Lawrence vampire down, hard, cracking his skull.

Stewart acts nonchalant.

"Seems to me it's time your city came under new management. Do you have any loyalty to Barrett and his people?"
"Not really," David shrugs, "but I do care about the people that'll get hurt in the fight."
"Of course, of course. That's why I want to make sure there's a peaceful transition."

Jones arrives, holding the semi-conscious vampire up by the collar, dropping him at Stewart's feet.

"Good luck with that..." Mia says.
"So why now?" Samuel asks.
"Because of you and yours." Stewart looks up from the wounded vampire to Samuel. "A Tremere murdered. Only a matter of time before someone responds."

The Lawrence vampire stirs, broken bone clicking back into place.

"And what's your part in this?" Jones asks in a low growl.
"That fucker Barrett's got t' go. Banned me from making a childe. She's dead because of him."

Jessica, who has been listening at a safe distance until now, looks up. "Everybody's mad at everybody else. Why? You're far enough away that he wasn't your problem until you started making trouble for him in Lawrence."

Stewart peers at Jessica.

"It isn't always hidden agendas with us, child. Sometimes it's just what it looks like. Wait long enough and every vampire makes enemies, it's just a question of which ones. I believe he exiled your sire?" he adds with a glance to David. "And let yours die..." he says to Samuel.

Mia tuts.

"Well, you've had a man on the inside for a while now. Maybe a woman on the outside as well."
"And a few more sneaking around as well..." Jones adds.

Mia notices that Stewart hides a momentary look of surprise.

"Or don't you?"
"There are bound to be other interested parties."

Mia squares up to him.

"How about this... You don't invade until we know who else is planning to."

Stewart shrugs lightly.

"Good enough." Mia spins on her heel and heads for the door. The others manage to follow her out quickly enough that they look like they're in agreement.

"So what now?" Samuel asks as they head for the cars. "Find this other one Jones has been tracking?"
"It's a start." Mia shrugs. "I just want to know everybody who'd playing this little game."


They head back to Lawrence, and find the Vault is closed, one of its windows smashed.

And Grey comes out of a nearby cafe to meet them. "So... Lake's dead. Mac and Bats are on the run and Danni's in torpor. How was your night?"

Monday 27 November 2017

You're The Only Thing Worth Dying For: Four

Vampire: The Requiem
You're The Only Thing Worth Dying For

Four: Come a little bit closer


"Do you want to dance?"

He held her hand lightly and stepped towards the dancefloor, and she went with him.

Something fast... then something slow, and she moved closer, showing that she could be in his arms if he wanted. He hesitated, then put a hand on her mid back.

She looked up into his eyes.

"Have you ever..." She paused.
"Ever...?" he asked, thinking of good and bad possibilities.
"Been with a... uh, someone, since?"

He shook his head. Troubled, but nearly hiding it.

"Well, I haven't been with a guy since I got here either." She smiled, trying to lighten things. He chuckled, slightly.

The song changed to something different, and she was still in his arms.

After a lingering moment, she blinked and smiled shyly. "We should... head back."

He nodded, and led her away from the dancefloor and back to her friends. They took her to get drinks.

"So he seems nice... Caitlyn suggested.
"He is, yeah."
"Are there any more like him?" Gemma smiled slyly.
"Not as such."

She glanced around, looking for the other woman, the other vampire.

The party continued, and Caitlyn got a chance to grill Michael like an attentive chaperone. Sarah rescued him before too long.

"She's very fond of you."
"Yeah, she's great."

It was nearing midnight.

"I guess you've got things to do..." she said quietly.
"I suppose so. I could walk you back to your room?"

She wondered if his lips would be warm.

Wednesday 22 November 2017

The Forgotten: Eight

The coterie meet early the next night, away from the Vault.

"Lake said my sire knew about the attacks." Samuel grimaces.
"Was he ever around Lewiston?" Mia asks.
"Not that I know of."
"Everything else seems to point there," David adds.
"Road trip?" Jessica asks.

Jones shrugs. "Makes a change from running after them."

They head over in two cars, David driving Jessica and Mia in one, Jones driving Samuel in the other. Mia gets to see the Harpers' familial warmth. Samuel gets to use his phone in peace.


Finding an address supplied by Mia's sire, they find their way to a club near the city college, and to a vampire who, on noticing them, nods for them to meet her outside.

"You're from Lawrence?"
"We are." Jones looms.
"Just here to ask questions." Mia puts a hand on his arm, and smiles at their new friend disarmingly.
"Good. Because there's not enough town for four more of us." The vampire peers at Jessica curiously. Jessica looks away uncomfortably and the vampire smiles slightly.
"Is that why our kind of people keep coming over to Lawrence?" David asks, pulling her attention back.
"They hear your boss is weak. Something about the bookish types getting in trouble."

Jones looks at Samuel before he can stop himself.

"... Anyway, you know how rumors start." The stranger shrugs lightly. "The one you want to talk to would be Stewart." She opens her purse - slowly as she notices the group watching - and writes an address on a slip of paper. "Danton works for him."


The address leads to an all-night cafe across the campus.

There are no vampires inside.

"Set-up?" Jones growls.
"Or maybe..." Mia approaches one of the baristas, flashes a smile and a tip and a little Presence."Yes, seems he's here fairly often. Not the last couple of nights, though."
"Maybe I can catch his scent." Jones breathes in deeply. "Maybe."

He leads them to one of the college's library buildings. And two other vampires. One is apparently Stewart. The other is a familiar face from the Vault.

The Lawrence vampire makes a run for it.

Jones gives chase.

Stewart backs up, hands raised, as David and Mia approach.

Thursday 16 November 2017

The Forgotten: Seven

Danton approaches Mia and asks her to dance. She takes his hand and lets him guide her out onto the dance floor.

"This is a coincidence. My friend David has a new dance partner from out of town as well."
"Well, it is a party."
"One with the prince in attendance."
"More an issue for her than for me, I'd think."

Jessica sees Monica approach, offering her a glass of champagne. They watch David with Grey and Mia with Danton.

"Should I intervene?" Monica asks.
"Maybe?" Jessica says, not sure how to respond.


Samuel heads out to the balcony to find Jones. The Gangrel looks over.

"My 'friend' tells me the city's going to fall."
"Seems everybody has one except me. Hmph." Samuel nods inside, where Jones sees Monica walking up to Mia and Danton.
"Somebody's backing them. Making sure they get here, they feel safe showing their faces."
"Lewiston's close enough that they could run if they have to."
"Maybe we should see if they do that."


Danton smiles politely as Monica cuts in. Mia steps away, to Jessica at the sidelines.

"Are they working together?"
"He made it sound like they aren't."

Mia looks over at Grey still in David's arms, her eyes narrowing just a little.

"Uh, there is someone we could ask," Jessica suggests, and Mia looks back to her and softens.


Samuel heads out with Jones to the Vault. The club's Halloween party is more about two-for-one shots of something a disgusting green color.

They find Lake, Mac and Danni there.

"So, what's the deal with you and Grey?" Samuel gets right to it.
"Why, you think she's cute?"
"She seems to think that way about David."

Lake's smile slips.

"It's strictly business. The big boys are gonna fight, we make sure nobody we care about gets hurt."
"That doesn't necessarily include you," Mac adds.

Jones looms over him.

"Just tell us what's really happening."
"Do you think they even know?" Samuel snorts.

Mac jumps to his feet, up in Samuel's face.

"Oh, we know plenty, Draco. You'll see."

Lake puts a hand on Mac's arm, and he turns and snarls at him before stepping it down.

"I'm not gonna pretend we know everything. But I know some of it's already started."

Lake looks at Samuel pointedly.

"Your sire knew about this."


Grey sees Mia watching, and kisses David on the cheek.

"We must do this again sometime."

She saunters out. David watches, scowling.

Mia wonders if it's just because she was being sly.

Happy Bloodlines Day!

Take care out in LA.

Monday 13 November 2017

You're The Only Thing Worth Dying For: Three

Vampire: The Requiem
You're The Only Thing Worth Dying For

Three: Some kind of connection


"Will I see you again?"
"... If you want to."

Sarah thought for a moment, and nodded slightly. They exchanged numbers.


The next night, a little after sundown, he called her.

"Good evening."
"Did you just wake up?"
"Just about."
"There are a few courses here where you'd fit right in."

He chuckled.

"So, what are you doing tonight? Patrolling like Campus Batman?"
"Something like that. Making sure the other knows I'm keeping an eye on the place."
"Can't be easy. I mean, students... young, healthy, away from home, easy to lure into dark alleys..."
"Yeah, it's a popular choice. Up there with clubs."
"Oh, good, I was supposed to going to a club tonight."
"Oh. Sorry."
"You could come."
"Make sure there aren't any... is there a term other than vampires?"
"Uh, several. But yeah, I could meet you at yours, or there."
"There. I'm going with some friends."

She gave him a street address and a time, and went back to looking at two possible outfits.

She chose the hotter of the two.


When he saw her, he paused.

"I feel underdressed."
"... Good." She smiled and took his arm. "Come on, I'll introduce you."
"What are you going to introduce me as?"
"I'll think of something."

She introduced him to her friends Caitlyn and Gemma.

"He helped scare off the guy that was trying to mug that girl."
"Oh, he's brave too?" Caitlyn asked.

And then Daniel noticed that there actually was another vampire in the club.

"What is it?" Sarah asked softly as she noticed his reaction, as he stepped away to look around.
"You might not be safe with me."

She considered this, and took his arm again. 

Caitlyn and Gemma exchanged a look as they excused themselves.

"One of yours? More than one."
"One, I think. Hard to tell with so many people." 

He stood still, looking around slowly. 

"There. Her."

She was uncannily elegant. Anyone who knew vampires existed would suspect her.

"Do you know her?"
"She's the one that made me."

Sarah looked her over, with a mixture of wariness and suspicion.

"This can't be a coincidence," Daniel warned her. "She's here for me. You're in danger."
"And you're in danger too. She already killed you."

He paused, then nodded.

"Still, I have to know why she's here."

His sire looked up as he approached, and then past him to where Sarah stood.

"I smell her on you. But not on your breath. Are you playing with your food?" 
"Leave her out of this."
"Oh. Still trying to be one of them? Old habits die hard. But they do die."
"Why are you here?"
"Why shouldn't I be here? This is the rack. It was before you were born, much less made. I hear you want the campus to yourself, you can't have the whole city."
"You're here to threaten me?"
"Consider it advice. Parental concern."

He flinched, and for a moment bared his teeth.

"A word of friendly warning then. Matthew won't give up the quad after one show of strength, and he knows the girl's face."
"I'll keep that in mind."
"And tell her I was sorry I didn't get a chance to meet her properly."

She slipped into the crowd, out of sight.

Sarah approached once she was sure the vampire was gone.

"Are you alright?"
"Just a warning and some veiled threats." He shook his head. 

She took his hand. 
 "Do you want to dance?"

Wednesday 8 November 2017

The Forgotten: Six

Grey walks in like she owns the place. She steps over to Jessica, smiling confidently.

"Nice dress." Jessica tries to seem polite.
"Thank you. I thought it might be a bit too 'vampy' but oh well. Do you think I might get a dance with David as well? Assuming he and Mia aren't going to be busy all night..."

Jessica narrows her eyes slightly.

Samuel watches from the sidelines, ready to step in - glancing over to Carlin to make sure he isn't about to get in his way.


Outside, Jones and Grier watch figures in costume come and go, and Jones stops as he sees that vampire making her way through the crowds. He jumps down the fire escape one floor at a time and gives chase.

She spots him coming, and he catches up to her before she can escape to the subway.

"What are you doing here?"
"This city's going to fall. Do you want to fall with it?"
"No. But I have friends I want safe."
"Then use the time you have. It isn't very long."

With that, she runs through a break in the crowd.


It's near the end of the song, and David and Mia are still dancing - when he sees Grey with Jessica and moves away to help her. Mia follows, looking... displeased.

"David, we were just talking. Your day sister's very brave. I hope we can be friends when this is all over."
"I'd say that's up to you and her. What do you want?"
"To do my bit for the theater. Such a good cause. And to get a look at the man we're all supposed to work for." Grey glances over at Barrett, shaking hands with the city's mayor. He looks over and smiles fake-graciously.


Samuel approaches Monica, nodding slightly to Grey. "Another new arrival, a friend of Lake's."
"Perhaps the reason he's so confident lately?"


The quartet starts a new waltz, and David takes the opportunity to extend a hand to Grey, to get her away from Jessica. "May I?"
"Such a gentleman."

She is, it turns out, a very good dancer, with a poise and confidence few humans can match.

"So why are you really here?"
"Why? Aren't you enjoying this?" She smiles teasingly. He moves the direction of the dance further away from his sister. "Tsk. Fine. I come from between here and Lewiston and I hear... oh, small world." She nods towards someone else who has just arrived.


Thursday 2 November 2017

The Forgotten: Five

David shrugs off Grey's news. "Our sire doesn't mean all that much to me."
"Come on, don't be like that. I'm here to give you some sisterly advice. There's a storm on the horizon, and you better roll with it or ride it out, or get out of town. Take the other one with you."

He calls Jessica on the way out, to make sure she's alright.

"Y'know it scares me when you do that."
"That's the idea."


Jones catches the unknown vampire's scent again out at the Rack, and finds her heading into a club with a group of mortals. He doesn't look the part to get in, so he waits outside and calls Mia.

By the time she arrives, she can't find the new vampire inside.

Jones calls on Samuel to see if he can detect her. It comes down as a distinct 'maybe'. He can tell she fed on one of the clubbers inside. His friends get him into a taxi, and Jones follows that.


And then it's Halloween. Mia is expected to help with a masquerade ball at Elysium. She's assured that doing well will be good for her profile by Sean, new childe and favorite of her sire Elena.

There will be mortals there, the great and good of the city attending a fundraiser for the Civic Theater, so Jessica could come but David isn't wildly keen on the idea.

"So, what, I should stay home watching old movies and not answering the door to trick or treaters?"

David makes exasperated noises.


Mia gets a designer little black dress and domino mask. David reluctantly wears a tux. Jessica stops herself getting a vampire costume and wears a dark dress and shoes she can run in. Samuel goes for the black suit and matching shirt. Jones decides to lurk outside. Mia suggests he'd be dashing if he tried and he takes the compliment with a smirk but still doesn't come to the party.

Monica comes in on the arm of Henry Barrett, Prince of the city. He nods to Mia and Jessica in passing and ignores the rest of the group.

Jessica whispers "He's beautiful..." David seethes, and she smirks, playing it as a joke. "Like you don't think that about Mia." He starts looking at the decorations.


Outside, Jones watches mortals come and go from his vantage point on a rooftop opposite the theater.

And he finds himself joined by Grier, the Sheriff. The Nosferatu stands out of the spotlight.

"You could be inside, unlike me."
"I'm fine out here."
"You're worried."
"Few too many new faces around."
"I agree."
"I've seen one, she runs when I get close, seems to think it's a game."
"Hm. Maybe she thinks you're pretty."


Barrett makes the rounds of the room, playing the good host with the mortals.

Monica politely introduces herself to Jessica.
"I don't believe we've met. You're David's sister? Such connections are to be cherished." She smiles, and it almost doesn't sound like a threat.

Samuel lurks a safe distance from the dancing. But this allows Carlin, a Tremere antiques dealer, to approach.
"So you've made it to Halloween. It'll soon be a year since... well."
"I remember." Samuel looks like he's considering boiling his clanmate's blood.
"Such a shame we never found his killer."

David is unconvinced by an old money couple called the Elliotts saying they care about the theater, but tries not to show it.

Jessica suggests that Mia should rescue him, and smiles wickedly and looks to the dance floor.

So now David and Mia are dancing.

And, thanks to karma, a handsome young man asks her to dance as well.

And then she spots Grey making an entrance.

Sunday 29 October 2017

You're The Only Thing Worth Dying For: Two

Vampire: The Requiem
You're The Only Thing Worth Dying For

Two: Some kind of spark


"You're not human, are you?"

Daniel flinched away, knowing she'd seen too much to believe a simple explanation. And seeing that she was frightened... but also sympathetic.

"I'm human. But... not human like you."

And then he was gone, into the dark.

But staying close, in case the other vampire came back.


The next night, he waited for her near the bookstore near campus.

Again, she was afraid, but not like she should have been.

"You came back."
"I thought he might."
"The vampire...?" She paused, as if saying it out loud made it real. "The other vampire."

He looked away, ashamed.

"How... How long have you been like this?"
"Not long. Months. It was an accident... she said."
"Is she still around?"
"Are there more of you?"
"Some. Not many."
"How do you - ?"
"The donor center. Animals sometimes, but I can't do that for long."
"Have you ever...?" Her voice trailed off as she thought of the other vampire's fangs.
"No. But I've come close."
"Why are you telling me?" She felt a chill of fear again.
"Because... now you need to know."
"Is he gonna come back?"
"Maybe. It's... easy to hunt here."
"Um... Thank you."

He looked surprised.

"Uh, so, what's real? Sunlight, stakes...?" She glanced at the window of the bookstore across the path, and saw his reflection there. "Not mirrors."
"No. But sunlight, yeah. And stakes, apparently. But not being invited in."
"Shit. that woulda been helpful."
"Um. Since we're sharing information, I'm Sarah."

He hesitated. He hadn't told anyone his name since he died.



They sat in the bookstore. She sipped her coffee. He held his to warm his cold hands.

"So... God, I have so many questions."
"I did too. I didn't get many answers."
"Umm, well. What else is there? Are there ghosts?"
"I don't know. Sorry."
"Oh, uh, that's fine. It's better than 'there's one right beside you' or something."
"Yeah." He smiled, just for a moment. Then he looked back at her. "You're taking this very well."
"You saved my life. That buys you a little cred."

He nodded.

"Oh, how's your friend?"
"I don't actually know her. She'll be okay."
"But she needed a transfusion." She looked at his reaction.
"I, ah... I need to work on that."
"Yeah, you do." Her hand went to her neck instinctively.

He stood up.

"I should go."
"Will I see you again?"
"... If you want to."

Wednesday 25 October 2017

The Forgotten: Four

The new member of Lake's gang goes by Grey. She's thin, with short messy bleached hair, but more intimidating than she should be in that way vampires sometimes are. Samuel peers at her, trying to figure out what she might be. She stares back, with a smile that doesn't reach her eyes.

"Now now, we're all friends here..." Lake says, moving to put himself between them.
"We are?" Danni asks. "When did that happen?"

David puts his hands up for calm.

"Seems there have been a lot of us coming into town lately. You wouldn't happen to know about that, would you?"
"Might," Grey replies. "Town's getting busy. Probably gonna get busier. Should get your family somewhere nicer."

David's eyes narrow. Lake smirks slightly, seeing that button getting pressed again.

Mia puts a hand on David's arm, gently. He stops clenching his fists.

"It's not exactly ideal," Lake says, "but it probably won't be for long, so let's make do."
"Why won't it be long?" David asks suspiciously.
"Things to do. Places to go. Nothing you kids gotta worry about."


David walks out quickly, then paces the club's parking lot.

Jessica steps out, staying by the door as she sees him trying to calm down.

"Nobody ever means that."


Mia checks her hair before reluctantly opening the door to a private gallery in midtown.

Elysium. Somewhere she only goes if she has to.

Monica Brava, seneschal to the Prince, smiles icily as she sees her.

"Now what brings you back here?"
"I think Lake and his gang might be planning to move against you."
"I'd be disappointed if they weren't. Anything specific?"
"New... relatives in town. One with them, girl called Grey. Another... a man called Danton, I saw him around town."
"Danton? Really. Haven't heard from him in a while."
"Who is he?"
"Not somebody you should be trusting, let's just say that." Monica opens her purse, takes out a business card and writes on the back: LEWISTON. The name of a city less than a hundred miles away. A city with a Prince who hates Barrett, Prince of Lawrence.
"I... see. And the gang?"
"Probably looking to gain from a war. Now, what do you think of this? I'm not sure about the color scheme..."


Jones is out hunting when he sees another unfamiliar vampire at the edge of the Rack. He starts to follow, and she notices and runs. He chases her through back alleys, the small yards of apartment blocks, across a side street, to the subway, and loses her as she gets onto a train just as the doors close. She blows him a kiss as the train rolls away.


David slumps into his usual seat at a bookshop cafe near campus. The place he met his sire, who abandoned him and the city a year ago.

He senses someone approaching.

Grey. She comes and sits across from him, smiling placidly.

"So, you told your sister about us. That seems a little dangerous."

He scowls.

"Sorry, sorry, I don't mean it as a threat. It's just..." She leans closer, and drops her voice to a whisper. "I don't think our sire would be pleased." She looks back to see he caught her saying 'our'.

"I'm your sister too."

Wednesday 18 October 2017

The Forgotten: Three

Mia introduces herself to the stranger, a vampire who calls himself Danton. He says that he's visiting from a nearby city because his sire's sire resides here. She has no reason to doubt his word - and no reason not to.


Jones tracks Mac to a run-down tenement building, where the Caitiff locks himself in the basement boiler room. Seeing it's close to sunrise, Jones heads out - making sure he isn't followed in turn.


Samuel calls on Broughton, the bookseller. He says that there are more vampires asking about where to avoid hunting. Newcomers, perhaps - but then why not ask the Kindred?


David and Jessica break into the campus teaching hospital for some blood. He tried some separated and treated blood after being turned, and could barely finish it - it has to be whole blood, which means going to the donor center. And having Jess there as a spotter keeps him from going overboard.


With no human family around, Mia hunts quite casually, until she sees Danton around again.


Jones emerges from his own hiding place to find no sign of Mac, and loses his scent around the subway.


The gang is back at the Vault, with a new member...

Monday 16 October 2017

You're The Only Thing Worth Dying For: One

Vampire: The Requiem

You're The Only Thing Worth Dying For

One: They don't burn like we do

Her name was Sarah. She made him feel alive.

She was heading out of an evening class the first time he saw her, tired and alone. 

He was leaving the university teaching hospital after stealing a few nights' worth of donated blood. He felt bad enough about that, but he didn't want to consider the alternative.

And he wasn't the only vampire there.

He sensed another of his kind, following a student walking home, ready to strike. But then Sarah heard the victim call for help, and came running without a moment's pause.

And he found himself running to help as well.

The vampire's teeth gleamed as he smirked at Sarah. Before she pepper sprayed him. He snarled and lunged.

And someone leapt in the way. They stared, circled each other, and the wild-eyed man ran.

"Are you alright?" the stranger asked. He paused as he saw blood on the victim's throat, with a queasy look before turning his head, and moving to support her. Sarah took her other arm and they walked her to the hospital's ER.

"She was lucky you helped..." he said as the staff took the victim away.
"I was lucky you helped." Sarah looked at her pepper spray for a use-by date. Then she looked up, and saw something in his eyes.

"You're not human, are you?"


Sarah Collins, history student, brave and smart and possibly braver than is smart.

Daniel Burton, Daeva vampire, too humane to hunt with impunity.

Thursday 12 October 2017

Affairs Of The Guild

A one-off Vampire: The Masquerade LARP in New Orleans, just two weeks away. Perhaps related to Tampa By Night moving venue and shifting size?

Sounds fun (although, ew, Setites) and I'd like a chance to play something like this a little closer to home.

Wednesday 11 October 2017

The Forgotten: Two

David is a social Brujah, but still a Brujah, and Lake just threatened his sister. His knuckles whiten.

Then Jones walks up behind Mac, the Caitiff in Lake's gang, and grabs him by the collar, pulling him back and off balance.

Mia approaches sideways, putting herself between Jessica and Bats (another Brujah, not a Gangrel) and giving him a faux-placid smile.

Danni (a Gangrel) turns and gets the drop on Simon before he can intervene.

Lake looks at the numbers and sneers, backing off rather than backing down. He looks down at Jessica and hisses "Remember we're not all nice."

Jones follows David and Jessica out.

"Why did you help us?" David asks.
"I don't like them."
"I didn't think you liked anybody."
Jones shrugs.

Mia strolls out nonchalantly. Samuel strolls out a bit less nonchalantly.

"What was that about?" Jessica asks.
"Good question." Mia glances back at the door. "They're up to something."


David and Jessica discuss her getting out of town. She decides against it. (This is session two, after all.)


Jones skulks around the Vault, looking to track one of the gang home. Probably Mac, who he perceives as the weakest.


Mia goes dancing on the other side of the Rack, and notices another vampire on the hunt, one she doesn't recognize.


Samuel arranges to meet with a contact, a human occultist who might know if something strange is going on.

Wednesday 4 October 2017

The Forgotten Ones

Vampire: The Masquerade - The Forgotten

Chapter One

The city of Lawrence. Held by the Camarilla for decades, but that may be about to change.

David Harper. Brujah, history student turned by a 60s activist anarch who has since left the city.

Jessica Harper. Human. David's sister. She knows what he is, just enough to know to keep quiet, and to worry.

Jones. Gangrel, moody loner, abandoned by his sire years ago.

Mia Courtland. Toreador, clubber and neglected childe of a harpy.

Samuel Marks. Tremere, researcher turned outcast after his sire's suspicious death.

The Harpers know Mia and to a lesser extent Samuel. Nobody really knows Jones.


Younger and less welcome vampires in the city tend to stop by in a Rack club called the Vault. It's dark, crowded, noisy, and full of sickly-looking people wearing a lot of black.

Mia lures a Blood Doll to a secluded spot. David tries to keep Jessica from noticing. Samuel tries to make light of the situation. Jones broods in another corner.

Tonight there's another coterie there, an anarch gang known for being all talk. But instead of getting boastful when David and Mia get closer, they get quiet and cagey.

Since the Vault is part of the Rack and nobody wants a mess, Mia agrees to keep an eye on them while David sees Jessica safe home. But they haven't made it out before the gang leader, Lake, gets in their way.

"You know the rule. We're your kin now."

The rest of the gang surround them...

The Forgotten Reminders

NPCs. (A running list, hopefully.)

Sunday 1 October 2017

VtR: You're The Only Thing Worth Dying For

A vampire and a human fall in love. I don't think it will end all that happily.

So this is the side game, probably every fortnight, two players coming back from We Are The Night for a smaller character-centric Requiem game about a mortal and a new vampire who has her as his Touchstone. He'll try to be a buffer between her and the other vampires in the city, and they'll get into various other kinds of trouble as well. She has friends too, for one thing.

Wednesday 27 September 2017

V20: The Forgotten

Vampire: The Masquerade
The Forgotten

New game, some new players, which means a pretty broad "deal with creepy old vampire court, investigate weird stuff, maybe go anarch" theme.

Chargen pretty much done. Basically street level neonates - managed to outstare the Tremere 8th generation ancilla CEO guy.

Dragging a couple friends along. Which means we might have a mortal PC - though we're also doing a two-player Requiem side game focusing on a vampire and human relationship.

Need names and pictures for some vampires, special guest wraith and mage, some actual people. Catchy name for a club. That kinda thing.

Sunday 24 September 2017

Star Trek Adventures

After one session I don't hate the new Star Trek RPG. Although it could do with losing one or more of the several steps to see what goes into or comes out of a dice roll.

Sunday 17 September 2017

Monday 4 September 2017

What Game Shall We Play...?

No, seriously, I don't know what to run.

I always have Vampire ideas, maybe recycle this summer's. Could do Star Wars, I guess. Or...

Admittedly, the Demon: The Fallen idea starring Taylor Swift is kind of tempting. :D

Probably not enough of a joke to sustain an ongoing game, though.

Monday 28 August 2017

Look What You Made Me Do

I was not expecting to have a Demon: The Fallen chronicle idea based on a Taylor Swift video, but here we are:

The Serpent of Eden returns to Earth taking the form of a singer, and quickly becomes a major celebrity. She uses her influence to fight with other famous supernatural beings.

Maybe also former incarnations of herself.

And the ghost of the body she's wearing.

Monday 21 August 2017

Tuesday 15 August 2017

My 200th post!

Yay for me!

I should probably decide if I'm running any games this year.

Friday 11 August 2017

The Vault Opens

Storytellers Vault is go! Selected people got to bring out books for day one. Chronicle books, By Night books, fiction, an enemies book. So far no Clanbook Blowshitupis.

Sunday 6 August 2017

World Of Darkness dot com and Storytellers Vault

World Of Darkness dot com is on its way in August - an online service for groups running games, like D&D Beyond.

The nostalgic in me wants it to include a moderated chat game, but hey. :D

Also coming soon, Storytellers Vault, like the DMs' Guild for the Storyteller System, starting with the existing editions of Vampire: The Masquerade (see the style guide PDF emphasizing the differences, which makes me want to play a first edition game) and moving on from there. "This is the perfect time to pull out your old notes on that unique Bloodline you created or to write up your own chronicle as a By Night. You provide the ideas - we provide the tools." Other games, LARP and historical setting templates to follow.

I will spare the world my unique Bloodline.


Tuesday 1 August 2017

A little bit of politics

A court official that only lasts ten nights would be fast even for New Bremen. ;)

Saturday 8 July 2017

Tuesday 4 July 2017

Sunday 25 June 2017

Stewart Wieck has died. Co-founder of White Wolf, main creator of Mage: The Ascension. He was just 49.

Thursday 22 June 2017

All that I want is to wake up fine

All that I want
Is to wake up fine
Tell me that I'm alright
And I ain't gonna die

All that I want
Is a hole in the ground
You can tell me when it's alright
For me to come out

Friday 16 June 2017

Playing without Humanity

The VTM 5 playtest's lack of Humanity consequences and the Hunger rules' encouragement to hunt frequently and temptation to kill encourages playing like a Lestat style monster. Which can be fun for a while.

Certainly there are players who want to play asshole monsters all the time... and that's fine when it's not in my Humanity-centric game.) It's also where a lot of Sabbat fandom comes from. Not all, but a lot.

I'm curious to see how they balance the two.

Sunday 21 May 2017

Hey, I have my own nostalgia...

Must admit I'm wondering if the new WorldOfDarkness portal will have a chat game.

Like, say, New Bre|V|en?

Tuesday 16 May 2017

The Succubus Club 2017

Justin Achilli's hour DJ set. I know two of these! I am down with the kids.

(... Do people still say that?)

Playlist from the Saturday night party. Some old reliables in here, but a few new tunes and new versions.

Ibeyi, "Oya"
A_Rival, "Serious Danger"
Aesthetische, "Here Today" (Club Shot Mix)
Danzig, "Mother" (Sawlead Ground Remix)
God Module, "A Good Night to Die"
VNV Nation, "Retaliate"
Imperative Reaction, "Surface" (Shok's Zeitmahl Remix)
Zynic, "Dead End"
Wolfsheim, "Once In a Lifetime" (Club Mix)
Seabound, "Hooked"
Covenant, "Sound Mirrors"
Skinny Puppy, "Pro-Test"
Front 242, "Headhunter" (Funker Vogt Mix)
In This Moment, "Blood"

Sunday 14 May 2017

VtM 5 and beyond

Hearing stuff I like, and stuff that sounds great (and stuff I'm not so keen on but can hopefully ignore) from the next World Of Darkness at the Berlin convention. Fingers crossed.

White Wolf keynote.
VtM 5.

Thursday 16 March 2017

Nightclubbing: 16: (fading feedback)

Various Kindred gangs and cliques work together, more or less, to bring down the cartel. Some of the cartel rat out the vampire cult.

Some of the gangs and cliques turn on each other as there's now free domain up for grabs.


The cult break out the guns, and also open their secret weapons, more feral vampires.

Billy and Hall respond by blowing up their warehouse.


Karen pursues one of the cult vampires as he makes his getaway.

"You hate this life, don't you? The hunger, the hiding, the rage inside?"
"... Yes."
"What if I said that we could restore you? Give you back your life, the sun?"

She looks at him for a moment... sees the hunched posture, ready to strike.

"I... wouldn't believe you."

She slashes his throat before he can say any more.


Veronica makes sure the news crews stay away by giving them a nice messy celebrity scandal to focus on.


Morning comes, and Billy finds the last of the feral vampires and drags them out into the sun.


Hall has to start fighting other groups to keep the turf wars exploding.

Billy gets out of town.

Veronica finds The Guy back with the vampire who first introduced him.

Karen asks her sire if there really is a way to become human again. She tells her there isn't, and she knows that she's lying.

The End.


Well, I couldn't give them a happy ending, could I?

Billy gets away, still alive, wiser and with some loot. Everybody else... well, they're vampires, they don't deserve one. ;)

Thursday 9 March 2017

Nightclubbing: 15: (fading sirens)

Having ruined the cartel's night, the coterie wait for blowback from the snake cult.

Three nights later, the coroner shares a report about a rival drug gang being attacked and robbed of their supply and money.

"Well, that didn't take long..." Billy says.
"They're like us, not old enough to be patient." Veronica shrugs slightly.
"That's something..." Karen murmurs.

Hall finds one of the gang, and Veronica studies his reactions to his questions about the attack. She gets enough to track them down.

Another pack, hiding in the docks. Ready to bring in a big shipment. Drugs, guns... and something more....

Thursday 2 March 2017

Nightclubbing: 14: (feedback)

Veronica's sire studies The Guy. "He's human, alright. But you're not the first vampire he's met. The circles we move in, sometimes that happens. He doesn't even know, far as I can tell. But better to cut and run, in case his old friend comes back."

She pauses, and goes over to brush past The Guy.

"On second thought, go for it. I know who it is and let's mess up her evening."

The coterie meets to discuss their next move.

"So, these snake guys are working with a cartel..." Billy says.
"A big cartel," Hall adds.
"So what do we do?" Karen asks. "I mean, we can't call the vampire cops. Right?"
"Actually..." Veronica says.

Everyone looks at her.

"LA is a free city, but you go a hundred miles and it's still Camarilla territory. And we might not like creepy vampires running loose, but they really don't like them cutting into their profits."
Karen bites her lip. "So, what, we narc them out to the vampire feds?"
"This is their job."
Hall shakes his head. "No. We deal with this."
"So, how...?"

And cut to:

Veronica leading a coke dealer out the back of a club...

Hall taking a sawn-off shotgun to a stash house...

Billy stealing a car outside an Italian restaurant...

Karen looking down through a skylight at a truck being unloaded in an apparently unused warehouse...

The dealer running from Veronica...

Hall chasing down the dealer who last tried to rob Billy...

Billy bringing the car to a chop shop...

Karen dropping on a courier...

"Okay. They should be pissed off by now..." Billy says as Karen empties the courier's case into a trash can fire.
"So now we just wait for the snake cult to come and get us." Veronica pauses. "Put like that, was this a good idea?"


When vampires decide to pay attention to mortals, you don't want to be the mortals.

Thursday 23 February 2017

Nightclubbing: 13: (sirens)

Hall takes the captured vampire to his sire to see if she can get anything useful out of him. Billy rides halfway with him, but declines to go to the meeting and gets out downtown.

Veronica heads back to shower and then goes hunting.

Karen watches the dead vampire burn for a moment before leaving.

The press blame the whole thing on gangs on PCP.

Billy looks over the haul of untraceable guns and money, and figures he can use it to contact the dealers and see if the surviving vampires are back in contact. He also figures he better not try that on his own.

After feeding on a swinging couple from the Valley, Veronica calls The Guy and arranges to meet him, with her sire close enough to observe.

Billy arranges a meet, with Hall as his 'driver' and Karen as a strung-out runaway to test the quality of drugs.

No vampires turn up. Still, the dealers do try to rob them.

And Hall's sire delivers a name. One of the biggest human gang bosses on the West Coast.

Thursday 16 February 2017

Nightclubbing: 12: (noisy guitar solo)

The vampires rally as a fourth hauls itself out of the sand under the beach house, dessicated like a mummy and shrieking.

Hall takes one look at it and calls over to Billy. Everybody scatters and Billy drives the car through the wall and slams into it before it can fully get out.

This doesn't kill it, but does break its pelvis and both its legs. So it's still clawing its way up the hood of the car, clawed hands making holes in the metal. Billy aims the car at a lamppost and bails out. This is enough to break the vampire's back, and set the engine on fire. It's the 70s, everything makes cars explode.

The group gun down two of the other vampires, but one escapes in the confusion as a police helicopter starts to fly overhead.

"So, what have we learned?" Veronica asks as Hall loads a bloodied and torpor-bound vampire into the boot of another car.

(Who would have played the buried vampire in the 70s? Nowadays it would be Doug Jones.)

Tuesday 14 February 2017

College is weird enough...

Coexisting With The Fair Folk Who Have Taken Up Residence In/Around/Beneath Your University: A How-To Guide
Want to give a loved one your heart? The Followers of Set can make that happen!

Thursday 9 February 2017

Nightclubbing: 11: Oh, Isn't It Wild?

Having tracked down the creepy Masquerade-flaunting vampire snake cultists, the group decide to call everyone.

With no central authority in the city, the group have to bring their own backup. Constance has a vested interest here, and Edie is prepared to send some security. Billy knows some people who can make sure there are no getaway vehicles available...

A surprise attack is always the best approach in Vampire.

Of course, the cult vampires have some surprises of their own...

The first is that they're not Setites. They're creepy snake-blood-drinking vampire cultists... something like Sabbat maybe. They hit hard and fast like Brujah. And they have guns.

Billy's friends stop a carful of reinforcements.

Then something bursts up out of the floor...

Thursday 2 February 2017

Nightclubbing: 10: Bright White Clubbing

Based on the vision of three vampires with a shaky grasp of the Masquerade ritually sacrificing a rattlesnake, the group consider their options. Setting everything on fire seems popular. In the end, Hall takes the stash of guns and Karen takes several of the books, making the robbery look nice and obvious.


Karen's sire Constance thanks her for retrieving the book. It's a diary, written in a language none of the group recognized.

"So who are these guys?" Karen asks.
"I know what they sound like..." She goes to make some calls.


Billy keeps the car idling as Veronica visits a head shop with an 'occult' section that she saw a price tag for on one of the books. The hippy behind the counter talks as soon as she turns on the Dread Gaze. Creepy-looking people cleared out his rare collection, paid in cash.


Karen's squatter friends report something odd, some of the older homeless going missing.


And Veronica has a call from The Guy.


My games tend to go investigative, so I'm purposely keeping this mystery pretty simple.

Thursday 26 January 2017

Nightclubbing: 9: Like The Nuclear Bomb

It's six weeks since our last session, so some recap and on to a new development...

It's another of Edie's parties up in the Hills, and Veronica is still stressing over The Guy. Edie insists on introducing her to a film producer who's casting "a modern vampire movie, like, how they'd be able to live unnoticed in a big city" and says she'd be great for the role of the innocent ingénue. She thanks Edie for trying to cheer her up.

Hall spots one of his clan leading off a girl who probably isn't old enough to be drinking, let alone getting drunk from. He follows him out, and the guy gets territorial and defensive. He tries to buy him off with information - something about the snake cult making inroads into the heroin trade. Hall shoves him off the hill, then goes to tell Karen.

"Great, I'm going to go rob some vampire drug dealers. Wish me luck, I guess."

The three vampires find an empty beach house nearby to sleep so they can go in early, depending on what Billy sees during the day.

"People... as in, humans... coming and going all hours."

And about twenty minutes after sundown, a big black Cadillac parks nearby and three really obvious vampires get out. They're pale, lean, with staring eyes, wearing dark clothes.

They leave after half an hour, carrying a big bag. Nobody left inside.

Karen goes in to look for the book she's supposed to be stealing, finding it amongst a bunch of other creepy old limited edition publications. Hall finds a stash of untraceable guns. Veronica examines a bloodstain on the floor...

... and sees a ritual involving a snake being cut open and the three vampires sharing blood.